

So-called "fossil fuels" aren't made from #fossils. If they were, they wouldn't be able to be extracted below the fossil layer & Saturn's moon #Titan wouldn't have vast amounts of #oil inside it.

"Petroleum" is from the ancient #Greek petra + oleum which means rock + oil. Oil, or #petroleum comes from the Earth's geological processes, not fossils. "Fossil fuels" are more accurately called "hydrocarbons."

We've been conned by #BigOil, the #Rockefellers & #marketing agencies in order to create a false #perception of #scarcity to control #population & #economic development via artificial #energy scarcity & #price fixing.

#fossilfuels #hydrocarbons #gasoline #petrol #linguistics #usa #etymology #rockefeller #uk #artificialscarcity #geology #saturn #cartel #conspiracy


I wonder: Does nature have a 'real' look? We are mostly visual animals, while other animals perceive the natural world through other senses, and therefore their experience is radically different from ours. Moreover, we have a very particular visual entry into the natural world. We see things in a certain way because of how our eyes and brains are built.

But how does the natural world actually looks like? What is like, in reality? Is there an objective form to it?

I wonder...

#randomthought #randomthoughts #showerthoughts #philosophy #perception


#éducation #éduquer #vs #apprendre #enfants #parents #culture #sociologie #domination-soumission #hiérarchie #nonsco #unschooling #paradigme #perception


Dans toutes les éducations – même libératrice, émancipatrice, alternative… –, quelqu’un guide, oriente, facilite, aide… un autre, lequel est guidé, « facilité », aidé… J’apprends ainsi à voir le monde à travers cette relation « éduqué-éducateur » et à m’inscrire dans l’un de ses pôles. L’alternative à l’éducation (et non l’éducation alternative), c’est…
La suite ici : education-authentique.org/uploads/PDF_LEA/L142.pdf

  • La faculté innée d’apprendre permet l’éducation [ce n’est pas l’éducation qui permet d’apprendre]
  • Le hasard fête bien les choses
  • Ni commander, ni obéir
  • etc.

Des idées à découvrir ou à approfondir, avec d’autres,
dans cette LEA n° 142 de juin (Lettre de l’’éducation’ authentique), 4 p., ici :

Les 141 Lettres précédentes sont ici :

Jean-Pierre Lepri

=========Voici quelques autres extraits de LEA 142 ==========

☼ Vidéos
Pour son bien… Jean-Pierre Lepri, 5:38 min, ttps://youtu.be/87DAEJQYJEo
Le Trou-dans-le-mur, Sugarta Mitra, 10:13 min, https://youtu.be/m_CkyPbigFU

La chaîne CREA de YouTube (200 titres environ, séquences de 10 min au plus) :

☼ Toutes les infos de LEA 142, 4 pages, ici :


Vous pouvez aussi être averti.e de la parution d'une LÉA en vous abonnant sur twitter : https://twitter.com/grealavie
ou au channel public telegram : https://t.me/grealavie


Study, study, #study. The deception, mendacity & falsehoods go back to the mid 19th century.

#WW1, #WW2, #Communism, the #USA, the #French #Revolution, the #British #Empire, the #NAZIs, the #Bolsheviks, the #Cold #War, the #EU, #multiculturalism, #globalism, the #NSA, the #CIA, #GCHQ, #MI6, the five eyes, Central #Banking, global #plutocracy, #surveillance #capitalism, smart devices, #endocrine #manipulation, applied #psychology, social #engineering, #education systems, historical #narratives, #information control, faux #Hegelian dialectics, #propaganda, manufacturing #consent, #eugenics, #perception management, #secret societies, #blackmail honeypots, puppet #politicians, societal #control mechanisms, #psychosocial reality formation.


On the fundamental ambiguity of language perception

This is just bizarre. Even as a cognitive scientist — a person who spends his career studying the ambiguity of perception — I find this demonstration jaw-dropping.

I watched the same clip multiple times, hearing different things depending on what I expected to hear.

Give it a go.

#Language #Perception #Ambiguity #Uncomputability
