

GDP & GDP Per Capita of all Muslim Majority Nations, 2023.

These 47 nations collectively represent:

7.51 trillion GDP in USD
10.67 million square miles of land
20.6% of the world's land area
1.61 billion population
19.95% of the world's population
1.27 billion Muslims
72.8% of the world's Muslims
518 mean population density
80 mean population IQ
2.64 homicides per 100k of pop.

#islam #muslim #muslims #ummah #gdp #gdppercapita #wealth #economics #stats #statistics #demography #anthropology #culture #religion #islamicworld #usa #uk #muslimworld #data #information #money #culturalanthropology #comparativereligion #population #land #landarea #homicide #iq #homiciderate #intelligencequotient #israel #palestine #israelpalestinewar #migrants #globalism #refugees #asylees


The 9 Muslim Majority Nations Most Well-Disposed to Accept #Palestinian #Migrants, 2023.

Selection criteria:
Greater than 20 million pop
Greater than 0.25% of world land area
Less than 500 people p/Mi²
Greater than 3k USD GDP p/Capita
Greater than 125 billion USD GDP

These #Muslim majority nations have enough #land, #wealth & Muslim #population to absorb & #assimilate their fellow #Muslims from the territory formally designated as #Palestine.

No Muslim majority #nation seemed to #care too much about the #Uyghurs, so let's see if they care about the #Palestinians, or if #Islam really isn't all that important to them beyond being a #political & #paramilitary tool.

#israel #idf #gaza #hamas #geopolitics #israelpalestinewar #muslimhypocrites #muslimsolidarity #islamichypocrisy #un #nato #usa #uk #islamicsolidarity #eu


Population density of European countries with at least 5 million population, 2023.

As you can see from this data, the UK is the third most population dense country of all countries in the European continent region with at least 5 million population.

There is no necessity or justification for mass migration into the United Kingdom. The UK is a relatively small island nation & space is at a premium.

#unitedkingdom #immigration #migration #massmigration #immigrationcontrol #uk #replacementmigration #population #usa #populationdensity #ethnography #elites #overpopulation #anthropology #statistics #stats #data #demographics #globalism #ethnolinguisticfragmentation #culture #england #wales #scotland #greatbritain #northernireland #autochthonousculture


#Graph depicting the correlative #trend between number of homicides per 100k of population & mean national #IQ, with Pearson correlation coefficient, for 241 countries & dependencies, 2023.

The #graph shows that as the mean national IQ goes up, the number of homicides per 100k of #population goes down, with a strong correlation of 0.57. This suggests to me that the more #intelligent a population is, the less inclined to commit #homicide it is.

#homiciderate #murder #usa #uk #nato #murderrate #immigration #migrants #eu #globalism #neoliberalism #anthropology #mathematics #data #empiricism #stats #statistics #pearsoncorrelation #elitism #elites #crime #academia #intelligentsia #neoliberalglobalism #massmigration #un #wef #unitednations #agenda2030 #facts


Cette photo a été prise en plein coeur de l' Amazonie

Il y a cinq ans, la raffinerie, qui appartient à la #multinationale Norsk Hydro, a déversé des eaux usées non traitées dans la rivière. L’entreprise a elle-même qualifié cette situation d’ «inacceptable», mais maintenant que la #population est atteinte de maladies mortelles, que des taux de métaux lourds hors normes sont détectés dans le sang, et que des bébés naissent avec des malformations, Norsk refuse d’apporter son aide.

11 000 familles touchées ont donc pris les choses en main et ont intenté un procès à l’entreprise aux Pays-Bas. Elles attendent depuis des années, mais la date du #procès approche enfin. Notre équipe s’est entretenue avec les personnes qui dirigent la #communauté . Elles sont prêtes pour le procès, mais elles doivent également gérer une #crise permanente. En effet, elles tentent d’installer des filtres à eau et de construire un hôpital local afin de pouvoir dispenser des #soins , mais elles ne disposent pas des fonds nécessaires pour y parvenir, et l’état de #santé de la population continue de se dégrader. Elles ne peuvent tout simplement pas attendre le verdict du tribunal et espérer que tout aille pour le mieux.

Cette situation constitue une illustration parfaite des méfaits du #capitalisme colonial. Une entreprise sans foi ni loi pesant 11 milliards de dollars continue à produire de l’ #aluminium dans la deuxième plus grande raffinerie du monde, puis le vend à #Ford pour sa production de pick-up F-150. Pendant ce temps, la communauté environnante souffre de maladies mortelles car l’entreprise prend la #nature pour un dépotoir.

Non seulement la société n’a pas le courage d’assumer ses responsabilités, mais elle s’appuie en outre sur des subtilités techniques pour tenter de se soustraire aux poursuites judiciaires. La communauté a d’abord intenté une action en justice au Brésil , mais le système judiciaire s’est avéré beaucoup trop lent. En besoin d’aide urgente, les victimes se sont tournées vers les Pays-Bas. Norsk leur a répondu d’attendre que le problème se règle au Brésil.

Vu le passif de Norsk, il est fort probable que l’entreprise trouve de nouvelles façons de retarder la gestion du problème. Il serait donc impensable que la population locale attende sagement que le procès se termine pour connaître la suite des événements. Si un nombre suffisant d’entre nous fait un don, nous pourrons faire en sorte que la santé de la communauté ne dépende pas des aléas et du calendrier d’un tribunal se trouvant à des milliers de kilomètres.

Pouvez-vous aider cette communauté au cœur de l’Amazonie ? Nous pourrons leur faire parvenir l’argent rapidement afin que l’hôpital soit construit et que les filtres soient immédiatement installés. Aidez-nous à faire en sorte que cette communauté vivant dans le cœur de l’ #Amazonie obtienne les soins dont elle a besoin de toute urgence.

Grâce à ce lien, vous pouvez faire un don à la plateforme Eko à partir de 1€


enter image description here
down the hole we go
#vaccinescam to #mass #murder most of the #population

enter image description here

Vaccine #Pioneer #Doctor #Admits #Polio #Vaccine #Caused #Cancer - Vaccine Impact

Dr. Mercola ran an article on Dr. Hilleman back in 2011, which portrayed a completely different story from what the mainstream media reports regarding Dr. Hilleman. He featured a censored video of Dr. Hilleman that has circulated on Youtube for years. That video has since disappeared from Youtube, but others exist broadcasting the same interview with Dr. Hilleman. We have copied one below, along with the transcript.

Dr. Hilleman was the developer of Merck’s vaccine program. He developed over three dozen vaccines, more than any other scientist in history. He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. He received a special lifetime achievement award from the World Health Organization. Hilleman was one of the early vaccine pioneers to warn about the possibility that simian viruses might contaminate vaccines. In the interview below he states: “vaccines have to be considered the bargain basement technology for the 20th century.”

Dr. Mercola’s article reveals 60 different lab studies that linked the Salk Polio vaccine to cancer, which Helleman admits was the responsibility of Merck:

It also caused #Lupus, #ChronicFatigueSyndrome and #Fibromyalgia.
But according to this new video, there was much more to the story, which traces the #SV40 back to gain of function #research back to the 60s, when a #bioweapon was being developed, and was used to secretly assassinate Fidel #Castro.
The story also involves Lee Harvey #Oswald, a woman who was working on the gain of function research, the #JFK assassination, and more.
And it reveals that the SV40 #viruses are also in the #Clot #Shot.
#Warning: some heartbreaking footage of experimental #animals being #mistreated. )

"In the summer of #1963, a young girl found herself caught up in a clandestine covert operation to eliminate Fidel Castro. This wouldn’t be a shot heard around the world, but rather, a silent shot of super cancer causing #poison, derived from a monkey simian virus called SV-40.
This tale has everything from murder, espionage, a tragic love story, to bioweapons and the genesis of gain-of-function research, weaponized in COVID-19."


#mass #murder by #vaccination
KILL SHOT: The CIA’s SV40 Cancer Weapon - Full Story w/ Shannon Joy


#Analysis of #correlation between percentage of non-'White #British#population & total #crime rate per 100,000 of population in 287 localities in #England & #Wales using Estimated Pearson Sample Correlation Coefficient, 2023.

There is a 0.74 (strong) correlation #coefficient between the percentage of non-'#White British' within a population & the total rate of crime per 100,000 of population.

#criminality #ons #whitebritish #migration #multiculturalism #ethnography #diversity #multiracialism #demography #globalism #racism #empiricism #mathematics #data #officeofnationalstatistics #statistics #uk #crimerate #law #justice #policing #usa #propaganda #socialengineering #ethnicity #anthropology #pearsonsamplecorrelation #crimeandethnicity #academicfraud #un #europeans


#Trends between total crime rate per 100,000 of population in 287 localities in #England and #Wales and percentage of locality population that is not '#White #British' in those 287 localities, 2023.

This is an #analysis of official #UK #government #ONS #data that shows quite clearly that as the #percentage of population that is not 'White British' goes down, so does the total rate of #crime per 100k of #population.

In other words, as the percentage of 'non-White-British' within the population of a locality goes up, the total crime rate per 100k of population also goes up.

#ethnography #correlation #statistics #un #globalism #immigration #massmigration #criminality #truth #facts #empiricism #usa #anthropology #sociology #ukgovernment #demographics #law #tories


One of the main #arguments from #government for mass migration into the #UK is that we have an aging population that requires care we can't provide ourselves. This is only partly #true & is being used as #false justification.

While we do have an #aging #population, the #percentage of population that is most likely to require care, the 85+ population, only comprises around 2.8% of our current population & by 2092 will comprise between 4.9% to 6.1% of our population.

This means we currently have ~97.2% of our population below 85 & we will have around 94.5% of our population below 85 by 2092. Sufficient to #care for our own aged population without mass #migration.

#massmigration #immigration #statistics #data #massimmigration #elderlycare #ons #replacementmigration


Rik Mayall’s #2013 #film “One by #One”: the chilling scene that talks about #reducing #world #population – part 2.
By Marica Micallef

Here is the continuation of the screenplay of the scene:

“In the event that I reincarnate, I like to come back as a deadly virus. So, it’s a contribute to solving overpopulation. Prince Philip said that. Bioengineered pathogens are being created to eliminate ethnic groups such as Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, homosexuals.”

“Homosexuals? Surely that would keep the population down!”

“Yes, but it’s not nature’s way. Love is not a factor when you’re dealing with how the few procreate.”

“Natural selection where the only natural element is the powers that be.”

“Population control already happens in China. You have to have a license before you can have a second child.”

“Come on, how many times have you thought about how unfair it is that you have to work to have a good life whereas others breed, and breed and breed get given benefits and homes. How often have you wondered like many others, what real value they bring to the world population reduction programs, eliminate a mind-blowing 95% of the population.”

“Eugenics is the pseudoscience of culling the excess population.”

“Fake science.”

“It will be done in a barbaric fashion using draconian methods and this global holocaust will probably come out from under the flat of the U.N.”

“I can almost imagine us being frog-marched away from our homes in a martial kind of way. No one bats an eyelid.”

“Almost 95% of the population.”

“13 out of every 14 people killed, destroyed, and murdered.”

“In order to stabilise the world population, they need, or want, to dispose of six and a half billion people.”
not waking up but being killed


Population #density of countries with more than 20 million #population.

The #UK is 10th out of 62, putting it within the top 17% of most population dense #countries with more than 20 million population & within the top 20% most population dense of all polities on #Earth.

Clearly there is no necessity or justification for mass #migration into the UK when there are 193 other polities out of a total of 241 that are less population dense than the UK.

#populationdensity #demographics #uk #un #massmigration #openborders #elitism #immigration #globalism #neoliberalism #elitism #wewereneverasked #usa #eu #thewest #westerncivilization #democracy #wages #houseprices #multiculturalism #rentprices #wagestagnation #costofliving #birthrates #demographicchange #analysis #data


#Nomenklatura soviétique et répartition du #patrimoine aux USA.

Vous ne trouvez pas que la tendance de ces 2 systèmes mène exactement à la même situation : une écrasante majorité de #pauvres, tous égaux dans leur #pauvreté, v/s une #élite de très peu de #riches, qui a tous les #privilèges ? :)

La nomenklatura, les #privilégiés en U.R.S.S

Liste des postes de direction et des personnes nommées à ces postes, la Nomenklatura désigne, plus généralement, l’ #aristocratie qui exerce le pouvoir en Union soviétique. Sur les privilèges de toutes sortes que cette « nouvelle classe » — moins de 1,5 % de la #population — s’est peu a peu attribués (hauts salaires, restaurants particuliers, hôpitaux spéciaux, logements de qualité, facilités de voyage), ...

https://wikirouge.net/Nomenklatura (et source image)

La nomenklatura (en russe номенклату́ра) est un terme russe, passé dans les langues des autres « pays communistes », pour désigner l'élite bureaucratique dirigeant le parti et l' #Etat. Selon certaines visions, il s'agit de la #classe dominante de ces pays.


Et ... Les inégalités de patrimoine aux USA (chiffres 2007 - article 2013) :

On constate ainsi que 1 % de la population possède 35 % du patrimoine, et que les 4 % suivants en possèdent 27 %. On note aussi le régime d’inégalités croissantes

Et encore, vu la croissance exponentielle, ces chiffres datant de plus de 10 ans, c'est évidemment bien accentué depuis, aux #États-Unis....

#Économie #Inégalités #URSS #USA #Communisme #Capitalisme #Pouvoir