

In late March, scores of contract soldiers from #SouthOssetia refused to fight in #Ukraine and left for their homes. According to our source, all of the objectors’ contracts had been voided shortly after. Still, almost a hundred soldiers returned, and some of them will be sent back to the #war zone. Some twenty contract soldiers challenged their dismissals in court. After the return to the self-declared republic, the soldiers had a meeting with South #Ossetia's President Anatoly Bibilov. They described insufferable conditions, broken equipment, and the absence of higher-ups at the front lines. Bibilov expressly advised against any recording of the conversation, yet the exchange was recorded anyway. We publish excerpts translated from Ossetian by a native speaker.

https://zona.media/translate/2022/05/04/ossetia_eng #russia #ukraine #military #georgia #army


Statement of the Movement of Conscientious Objectors (Russia) for the International Conscientious Objection Day

Author(s) Movement of Conscientious Objectors (Russia)
Dear conscientious objectors to military service, today we mark our #CO day while #war is being waged.

As the war with #Ukraine began, the notion of refusing #military service in #Russia has become especially topical. Before the war, most #conscripts and their relatives did not associate military service as conscripts with actual #warfare. #Conscription appeared to be something akin to a sports camp with elements of military training.

Regardless of their political views, the healthy feeling of fear of participating in warfare in the territory of a foreign country forces people to file appeals for alternative civilian service and to protect their right not to serve in the #army by other means.

For some of the #objectors to military service, the chance to specify in their application that they object to Russia's war in Ukraine is important. This is a legal form of expressing one's disagreement directly to the representatives of state authorities—a matter of #moral significance.

In the course of the months of warfare, we have witnessed a totally new phenomenon: cases in which professional #soldiers refuse to participate in the special operation[*] and demand to terminate their contracts. We wish to express our special #gratitude to those soldiers and police officers who had the courage to #refuse to kill and die in a foreign land, who refused to participate in the special operation.

Today, when many people apprehend the introduction of partial of full [military] mobilisation in Russia, it is precisely the right to conscientious objection to military service that offers them support.

The Movement of Conscientious Objectors in Russia expresses its #solidarity with all those who oppose war, with everyone who stands against the act of #aggression. We wish and pray, with all our might, for Ukraine to survive the assault and retain its independence.

[* "The special operation" is Russia's ongoing attack on Ukraine; formally, it is not a war, but a "special operation", and is being referred to as such in official contexts in Russia]

Заявление Движения сознательных отказчиков к Международному дню отказчиков от военной службы — 15 мая 2022
Дорогие сознательные отказчики от военной службы! Сегодня мы встречаем наш день во время ведения военных действий.

С началом войны с Украиной идея отказа от военной службы в России стала особенно актуальной. До войны большинство призывников и их родных не связывали военную службу по призыву и военные действия. Призыв представлялся им чем-то вроде спортивного лагеря с элементами военной подготовки.

Независимо от политических взглядов, здоровое чувство страха перед участием в военных действиях на территории чужого государства заставляет людей подавать заявления на альтернативную гражданскую службу и защищать свое право не служить в армии другими способами.

Для части отказчиков от военной службы важным является возможность в своем заявлении указать, что они являются противниками войны Россия в Украине. Это легальная форма выражения своего несогласия непосредственно представителям власти, что имеет моральное значение.

За месяцы военных действий мы увидели совершенно новое явление: случаи, когда военнослужащие по контракту отказываются участвовать в спецоперации, требуют расторжения контракта. Мы выражаем особую благодарность тем военнослужащим и сотрудникам полиции, которые имели мужество отказаться убивать и умирать в чужой стране, отказались от участия в спецоперации.

Сегодня, когда многие люди опасаются возможного введения частичной или полной мобилизации в России, именно право на отказ от военной службы по убеждениям совести становится для них поддержкой.

Движение сознательных отказчиков от военной службы России выражает солидарность со всеми противниками войны, со всеми, кто противостоит агрессии. Мы из всех сил желаем и молимся, чтобы Украина выстояла и сохранила свою независимость.

Р24 февраля 2022 ДСО опубликовало Заявление в связи с началом спецоперации

#CODay #peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjectors #ConscientiousObjection


Today I met a woman who ran a beauty salon. The Russians occupied her town, shot at her brother, stole friend's car. Seven soldiers broke into her salon and slept there, stole boxes of beauty products and all the equipment, shat in the neighbouring shop.

source: https://nitter.snopyta.org/shaunwalker7/status/1511049297881673733

As this unfolded, she called her aunt who lives just outside Moscow, to tell her what was happening. Her aunt said, "Nonsense, that's not possible. It must have been Ukrainians dressed up as Russians. They've really brainwashed you there."

#russia #ukraine #war #pillage #army #military #justice #crime #news #propaganda


Ukraine’s leadership should stay in the capital and they had ample time to prepare to resist. They have had seven years to rebuild the #army from the #chaos of 2014 when Ukraine last clashes with #Russia and Russia-backed separatists.
Furthermore, #Ukraine has fought a war in the #Donbas for years. Ukraine needed to be better prepared, but it has also been starved of modern air defense and other needs because western countries were slow to let Ukraine procure the right weapons. This put Ukraine in a difficult position. Russia pretended that Ukraine might one day be a threat to #Moscow, but Moscow’s plan for the #war reveals that Russia believed Ukraine would be a pushover.



Operation #Gladio: #CIA Network of “Stay Behind” Secret Armies

Take a look → https://themillenniumreport.com/2016/07/operation-gladio-cia-network-of-stay-behind-secret-armies/

These “stay behind” armies colluded with, funded and often even directed terrorist organizations throughout #Europe in what was termed a “strategy of tension” with the aim of preventing a rise of the left in Western European politics. #NATO’s “secret armies” engaged in subversive and criminal activities in several countries.

#terror #crime #usa #army #military #subversion #coldwar #politics #history #terrorism #fiance #intelligence


Tulsi Gabbard calls out US advisors for promoting WAR

Gabbard echoed former President Eisenhower’s famous warning on Saturday, saying, “The neocons/warmongers have spent years stoking the New Cold War with Russia and have now brought us to the brink in Ukraine – this serves their own interests and fills the pocket of the Military-Industrial Complex with trillions of dollars.Let’s not be sheep.

#Tulsi-Gabbard is an American politician and United States #Army #Reserve officer who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021.



#Germany: 56th #Artillery Command re-activates as Theater Fires #Command in #Wiesbaden

source: https://www.army.mil/article/251803/56th_artillery_command_re_activates_as_theater_fires_command_in_wiesbaden

“The reactivation of the 56th Artillery Command will provide USAREUR-AF with significant capabilities in multi-domain operations.”


It will further enable the synchronization of joint and multinational fires and effects, and employment of future long range surface to surface fires across the USAREUR-AF area of responsibility.”

... of future long range surface to surface fires across the USAREUR-AF area ... - this ability is only needed in the event of a war in Europe, or am I seeing this wrong?

#USA #Europe #war #terror #army #pentagon #news #weapon #dod #politics


​Militarism and the police: how our streets became battlefields

When faced with #conflict, human beings respond in various ways and often choose #solutions that avoid #violence. We are very good at #negotiating, #communicating, #cooperating, as well as, of course, submitting to those more #powerful than us. Violence in our societies is pervasive; it is experienced every day by victims of #crime, domestic and more. But the systemic way #armies and #militarized #police units plan and prepare for the use of overwhelming violence is specific and unique.

A key example of militarized #policing is the #suppression of #protest and #dissent. Social movements come into conflict with the #authorities via lobbying, #protests or direct actions. Authorities respond to these #conflicts in various ways, sometimes reaching for militarized options. This violence is planned, trained for, repeatedly rehearsed and often delivered in a calculated way that aims to disorientate, overwhelm or eliminate the perceived enemy or threat.

Through the lens of #militarism, conflict stops being something that drives #change and #transformation; it becomes a #threat to be neutralized and the individuals and groups driving conflict become enemies akin to a foreign invading #army. Violence of this nature relies on its perpetrators’ #obedience to orders, the #dehumanization of its victims, and a heightened perception of threat.

The experiences of the democracy movement in #HongKong serve as one particularly extreme example. While in Hong Kong these tactics have been deployed by an #authoritarian #government, we have seen similar examples of police violence leveled against #activists across the world — in Chile, France, Germany, Indonesia, Myanmar, South Africa, South Korea and the US, to name but a few.

#peace #propeace #HumanRights