

A Train Carrying Coal has Derailed in Nebraska


These #companies have #cut thousands of #jobs while raking in #billions, and #lobbying for #deregulation. There's no conspiracy, other than deadly #corporate #greed.

#gothenburg #nebraska #coal #train #derailment #union-pacific


UK supermarket uses facial recognition tech to track shoppers

Attached to the ceiling above the gray shiny floor, watching as people enter the store, is a camera. The device scans faces, matching them against a corporate database of suspicious, potentially criminal shoppers who have been placed on a watchlist

The cameras are in breach of data rights and individual privacy

Every time a customer walks into a shop or business that uses Facewatch’s system, a biometric profile is created

Facewatch also adds to their watchlist subjects of interest posted on police websites

If staff have reasonable grounds to suspect a customer of committing a crime, whether it’s shoplifting or disorderly conduct, they can add the customer to a Facewatch list of “subjects of interest.” Facewatch’s policy notice says that the police also have the power to upload images and data to Facewatch’s system.


#UK #privacy #CCTV #BigBrother #supermarket #corporate #spying #PoliceState #China #Hikvision


"Please verify your account before posting comments. "

here we see rumble’s managed opposition fascist panopticon orwellianism. oh, just to verify my account is it? how nice sounding.

i miss the internet of 1995-2005.

#verify #panopticon
#corporate #psychopath #panopticon
#fuckoffrumble #fuckofffascist
#datamining #spyware
#spywall #paywall

well, i hope i managed to promote free software and freedom respecting free software federated coms, before they closed that "free speech" window. and i hope they dont delete/demote those various posts. i wonder if it was the many times i encouraged people set up their own peertube instances... maybe they didnt like me promoting ways out of their managed overton window.

distrust 'em. crooks. was obvious from the start.

still, was nice to have that fantasy comfort for a while... to hear messages from outside the tightest overton window of the corporate "mainstream". nice to see facilitations at least one level of the matryoshka matrix up n out one more of the onion of plato's caves. :/ when already seen several more layers out yet... can be hard watching people lap up the red-vs-blue duopoly ploys that keep them divided and conquered in the conflationary over-simplifications. painful... knowing there are psychopathic cliques of eugenicists, genocidalists, anthrocidalists, ecocidalists, omnicidalists, and just plain old sadistic murderers, amond the consolidated centers of power-over which so attract the worst. #kakistarchy.


#Update: 142 names, occupations & nations, responsible for creation & deployment of the engineered #Covid #virus &/or creation &/or deployment of #mRNA #injections, &/or #illegal #lockdowns, #mandates & other violations of #law relating to Covid.

Including #government officials, #corporate executives & others. All of these individuals are complicit in the mass #murder of millions of people #worldwide & must be brought to #justice.

Please reply with additional #names if you can #think of any not included.

#corporations #pfizer #biontech #vaccineinjuries #vaccinedeaths #eu #massmedia #socialmedia #usa #uk #un #nuremberg2 #canada #australia #newzealand #massmurder #ngo #criminals #criminalconspiracy #who #crime #astrazeneca #janssen #johnsonandjohnson #massmurder


The Rise of the New Normal Reich, Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III, banned in Germany!


I don’t know about you, but I am not OK with living in a world where #Amazon and other unaccountable #global #corporations decide which #books we are allowed to read, which #films we are allowed to watch, which #facts we are allowed to know about. And that is where we are headed, currently. We’re not going to arrive there suddenly, one day. We’re going to arrive there just like this, little step by little step, one little act of #corporate #censorship at a time.

#CJHopkins #book #ban #theriseofthenewnormalreich-consentfactory-essays-vollll #germany #suppressing-facts #thought-police


Large corporations are making record profits

but many small businesses can't even pay their rent!

Regarding rent increases, 45% of poll takers said their rent is at least 50% higher today than it was prior to COVID with 24% saying it's at least twice as high.

To see lots of details about business sectors, states, and provinces in #USA and #Canada, see link below.

#SmallBiz #local #business #rent #delinquency #corporate #profits



...a record number of employees quit their jobs, found new positions and renegotiated along the way. But not everyone who joined the so-called Great Reshuffle is better off.

As reported some time ago, "26% of job switchers regret joining the Great Reshuffle, survey finds ..."

which means 74% have NO REGRETS about quitting their job!

#corporate #media #spin #slant #bias #job #quit

