

#Putin’s Play for the Western #Right

source: https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2022/10/putins-play-for-the-western-right/671930/

Putin would much rather have us arguing over #gay rights than over how many more #artillery systems to send to #Ukraine. His comments at Valdai might seem like hyperventilation, Soviet-era blather, or even just plain silliness, but he knows what he’s doing. It’s up to us to make sure his culture-war-propaganda gambit doesn’t work.

#propaganda #politics #nazi #problem #humanrights #news #russia #fail #lgbtq


DIED SUDDENLY | OFFICIAL TRAILER - Streaming November 21st


We are at a 800 year outlier mass death event

#COVID #COVID19 #COVID-19 #Coronavirus #Pandemic #Quarantine #Lockdown #Lockdowns #Vaccine #Vaccination #Shot #Jab #Vaxx #NoVax #AntiVax #Pfizer #BionTech #VaxPass #ClinicalTrial #Autonomy #InformedConsent #EndAllMandates #AdverseReactions #Activism #Activist #SocialJustice #Justice #CivilRights #Freedom #Liberty #HumanRights #Humanitarianism #Humanitarian #Empowerment #Culture #CulturalHealth #CulturalFreedom #HealthyCulture #SocialTheory #SocialScience #Government #Politics #PoliticalJustice #PoliticalScience #PoliSci #PublicPolicy #Policy #Democracy #MaintainingDemocracy #FunctionalDemocracy #ParticipatoryDemocracy #ParticipatoryEducation #Citizen #Citizenship #CitizenCommunications #Education #EducationJustice #EducationalJustice #Socialism #Mutualism #MutualAide #SocialEcology #Anarchy #Anarchism #Anarchist #Christian #MessianicJew #Scientism #Collectivism #Capitalism #AntiFacist #AntiFa #Civilization #Law #FightPropaganda #Propaganda #Truth #Corruption #Lies #ToxicCulture #ToxicConformity #Fascism #Fascist #Paternalism #Oppression #Persecution #Slavery #Nazi #Nazis #NoNazis #Tyranny #Coercion #KnowThyEnemy #Violence #Righteous #Righteousness #Vigilance #ReWild #ReWildorDie #Health #HealthCare #BigPharma #Pharma #BioWeapon #BioSecurity #BioTerror #Medical #Medicine #Wellness #WellBeing #Psychology #Psych #PsyOps #StaySane #Sociology #Power #Sustainability #Survival #Prepper #Prep #Preppers #DeColonize #DeAssimilate #KnowledgeIsPower #LegalLiteracyLiberation #LiberateLegalLiteracy #Science #BioTech #CBDC #OneWorldCurrency #OneWorldGovernment #Progressive #WEF #Eugenics #Genocide #Depopulation #GreatReset #Resistance #WHO #UN #StopTheTreaty #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WWIII #Privacy #DiedSuddenly #SADS


Just took a quick look at #Twitter today, after the #Musk takeover + slashing/burning of moderation and staff... Top of my feed
And some much sharper/grosser memes. Like a gross #TrumpVirus in swastikas, welcomed back into the fold. Twitter Feed

#SocialMedia #Media #Twitter #hatespeech #moderation #disinformation #misinformation #propaganda


#politik # Weltordnung #wertewesten #propaganda #imperialismus

Die alten Zentren des Imperialismus glaubten die Welt im Griff zu haben. Die Legende vom Ende der Geschichte nach 1989/90 war ein aus Überheblichkeit gespeister Irrtum. Stattdessen begann eine neue, auch gewalttätige Geschichte, in der es um die Neuaufteilung dieser Welt geht. Da werden nicht nur Demokratie und Freiheit verteidigt, sondern zuerst die bisherigen globalen Herrschaftsverhältnisse, die mehr als genug Unheil angerichtet haben. Wer diese Dimension ausblendet, lügt sich selbst und anderen in die Tasche.


De digitale dictator van Brazilië

Mondiaal Nieuws

De Braziliaanse president Jair Bolsonaro presteerde begin oktober onverwachts goed bij de eerste ronde van de presidentsverkiezingen. Een van Bolsonaro’s cruciale wapens daarbij is zijn wijdverbreide digitale netwerk, waarin een hoofdrol weggelegd is voor nepnieuws en propaganda. WhatsApp-spraakberichtjes, onechte filmpjes, miljoenen volgers op sociale media: ‘Het is heel geraffineerd wat Bolsonaro doet.’ (...)

Maar zelfs als Lula wint, heeft hij al bij voorbaat verloren. In de eerste ronde hebben de Brazilianen ook voor alle 513 parlementszetels en 27 van de 81 senaatzetels gestemd. En daarbij won Bolsonaro flink. Als Lula verkozen zou worden, zal hij voor elk besluit moeten vechten met een oerconservatieve volksvertegenwoordiging in het parlement en de senaat. (...)

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto. Maar lees vooral het originele artikel.)

Foto van verkiezingscampagne: vrouw in pro-Bolsonaro outfit voor Bolsonaro-poster

‘Ik ben sprakeloos’, zei Carole. ‘Een half miljoen mensen zijn overleden aan covid. De Amazone staat in brand. Hoe kan iemand in godsnaam nog op Bolsonaro stemmen?’ Carole is kunstenares en geeft les. Die twee sectoren, kunst en onderwijs, hebben het onder president Bolsonaro zwaar te verduren. (...)

‘De ware reden dat mijn ouders voor Bolsonaro stemmen is “fake news”’, zei Carole. ‘Zij krijgen via WhatsApp dagelijks een ongelooflijke stroom van nepnieuws en propaganda binnen. Het is echt heel geraffineerd wat Bolsonaro doet.’ (...)

[Bolsonaro] beschikt over een zeer professioneel, deels illegaal netwerk om kiezers te beïnvloeden, zo onthulde de Braziliaanse journaliste Patricia Campos Mello op 18 oktober 2018. Braziliaanse bedrijven sponsorden Bolsonaro door WhatsApp-pakketten met duizenden boodschappen gericht tegen de PT te kopen. Kostprijs: zo’n 2,5 miljoen euro per pakket.

De berichten werden verstuurd via de miljoenen volgers van Bolsonaro en zijn zonen Carlos, Eduardo en Flavio, maar ook rechtstreeks naar stemgerechtigden. Mello ontdekte dat daarvoor persoonlijke gegevens zoals sociaal verzekeringsnummers, geboortedata en telefoonnummers gekocht werden van reclamebureaus. Het voornaamste doelwit waren oudere, tussen 1932 en 1953 geboren kiezers. (...)

‘In 2018 werd duidelijk dat Bolsonaro over een uitgebreid digitaal netwerk beschikte, terwijl de PT nog heel traditioneel campagne voerde’, zegt Heloisa Massaro, directeur van InternetLab, een wetenschappelijke denktank op het gebied van recht en technologie. ‘Het was de voornaamste reden voor de verrassende winst van Bolsonaro. Dat is nu wel veranderd, maar de PT loop nog steeds ver achter.’ (...)

‘Ik denk niet dat enkel sociale media schuld hebben aan de verdeeldheid’, zei Massaro. ‘Het gaat dieper dan dat. Sommige verhaallijnen bestaan al heel lang. Die van de “communistische dreiging”, bijvoorbeeld, en van de christelijke moraal. Bolsonaro tapt in dat soort oude angsten en overtuigingen en presenteert zich als een ouderwetse held in de strijd van goed tegen kwaad.’ (...)

Hoewel Bolsonaro zeker fascistische trekjes heeft, is het te makkelijk om zijn aanhang in zijn geheel als fascistisch af te doen. (...)

Hele artikel

Foto van smartphone met Whatsapp

Tags: #nederlands #brazilie #brazilië #bolsonaro #lula #verkiezingen #presidentsverkiezingen #propaganda #nepnieuws #politiek #verdeeldheid #amzone #ontbossing #christelijke_waarden #pt #arbeiderspartij #parlement



Pelosi is evil and insane. Its like she wants not just war but total slaughter. Crimea is Russian it alway has been and always will be and the people who live there voted for that.

This woman shows what sort of sham America is.

These mad lunatics will destroy us why have we allowed these people to have power.

#WW3 #propaganda #manipulation #politics #power



On Russian state TV: Another translated clip of Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard

A closer look at the wonderful alternative universe of #TrumpVirus, #TuckerCarlson, the #GQP and their #Fox #Disinformation

Tulsi Gabbard, introduced by state TV host Vladimir Soloviev as "Our girlfriend Tulsi."

#TulsiGabbard #traitor #propaganda #espionage #Jan6 #MakeAmericaSaneAgain



How to spot a terrorist.

Unfortunately several countries and their organizations meet quite a few of these.

Us verses them is one so if you hear someone ask are you with us or against us that might be bad sign.

or a politician who demonizes the opposition maybe calls them fascists

There is already a list of potential terrorists half of them are on voting papers and the other half can be found in an alphabet organization.

Do they want be to send some names, we can list them alphabetically

#propaganda #politics #fear #control #power


Wicked Leaks – Part 1: How The Media Quarantined Evidence On Nord Stream Sabotage

Media Lens

(...) In our media alert of 26 July 2002, we wrote:

‘This does not mean that there is no dissent in the mainstream; on the contrary the system strongly requires the appearance of openness. In an ostensibly democratic society, a propaganda system must incorporate occasional instances of dissent. Like vaccines, these small doses of truth inoculate the public against awareness of the rigid limits of media freedom.’

That was true two decades ago when we started Media Lens. But, now, the state-corporate media system relies less on inoculation and more on quarantine: inconvenient facts, indeed whole issues, are simply kept from public awareness. We have moved far closer to a totalitarian system depending on outright censorship. (...)

(Text continues under the photo.)

Photo of chained newspapers

US media watch site, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), made the key point:

‘Any serious coverage of the Nord Stream attack should acknowledge that opposition to the pipeline has been a centerpiece of the US grand strategy in Europe. The long-term goal has been to keep Russia isolated and disjointed from Europe, and to keep the countries of Europe tied to US markets. Ever since German and Russian energy companies signed a deal to begin development on Nord Stream 2, the entire machinery of Washington has been working overtime to scuttle it.’

The evidence for this is simply overwhelming. For example, FAIR noted that during his confirmation hearings in 2021, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken told Congress he was ‘determined to do whatever I can to prevent’ Nord Stream 2 from being completed. Months later, the US State Department reiterated that ‘any entity involved in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline risks US sanctions and should immediately abandon work on the pipeline’.

If that doesn’t make US hostility to the pipelines clear enough, President Joe Biden told reporters in February:

‘If Russia invades…then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.’

Asked by a reporter how the US intended to end a project that was, after all, under German control, Biden responded:

‘I promise you, we will be able to do that.’

No surprise, then, that, following the attack, Blinken described the destruction of the pipelines as a ‘tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy,’ adding that this ‘offers tremendous strategic opportunity for years to come’.

Former UN weapons inspector and political analyst Scott Ritter commented:

‘Intent, motive and means: People serving life sentences in U.S. prisons have been convicted on weaker grounds than the circumstantial evidence against Washington for the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines.’ (...)

Despite all of this, FAIR reported of US corporate media coverage:

‘Much of the media cast their suspicions towards Russia, including Bloomberg (9/27/22), Vox (9/29/22), Associated Press (9/30/22) and much of cable news. With few exceptions, speculation on US involvement has seemingly been deemed an intellectual no-fly-zone.’

Thus, the possibility of US involvement has been intellectually quarantined. Instead, US media have been tying themselves in knots trying to find alternative explanations. (...)

In Britain, the Guardian affected similar confusion. (...)

FAIR discussed a tweet from a Polish member of the European Parliament, Radek Sikorski – a one-time Polish defence minister as well as a former American Enterprise Institute fellow, who was named one of the ‘Top 100 Global Thinkers’ in 2012 by Foreign Policy. FAIR reported:

‘Sikorski tweeted a picture of the methane leak in the ocean, along with the caption, “As we say in Polish, a small thing, but so much joy.” He later tweeted, “Thank you, USA,” with the same picture.’ (...)

Curiously, non-corporate journalists like Jonathan Cook, Caitlin Johnstone, Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Maté, Bryce Green, even hippy Russell Brand, were able to find all the evidence and arguments omitted by ‘mainstream’ journalists supported by far greater resources.

And this makes the point with which we began this alert: there is now so much high-quality journalism exposing the establishment outside the state-corporate ‘mainstream’, that the task of the ‘mainstream’ now is to protect the establishment by acting as a buffer blocking citizen journalism from public awareness. (...)

Complete article

Tags: #media #mass_media #journalist #journalism #the_guardian #mainstream_media #msm #propaganda #censorship #putin #biden #blinken #nord_stream #sabotage #russia #ukraine #bloomberg #associated_press #ap #cable_news #the_telegraph #fair #sikorski #mail_on_sunday #observer


I wrote another letter to Stuff about their reporting or more to the point about their telegraph article.

I need to stop sending these things when I am emotional as my grammar is crap and I even forgot to fill out the subject line in the email

they are so pro-war I am saddened

Tragically I am force to write to you again Stuff

About this article there are some errors in it.


For a start the title seems a little bit over the top as Putin and General Valery Gerasimov did not threaten to use a dirty bomb but instead warned against it's use. These are two different things

There was one large error though

It is noted in this article exactly what a dirty bomb is to quote

The radioactive material in a dirty bomb does not have to be the extremely pure uranium or plutonium found in atomic weapons but could come from any of the many radioactive sources used in medicine and industry.

In a dirty bomb explosion the contaminated material will generally go only as far as the explosion will allow it. Fine particles may travel on the wind, but to have a significant impact a huge amount of radioactive material would be needed.

Yet it went on to claim that

On April 7, 2018, Syrian forces backed by the Russian army carried out a false flag dirty bomb attack when chemical weapons were used in the city of Douma.

This is not true as this was a possible chemical attack but not a dirty bomb. There are allegations that it was just a conventional bombing and that rebel forces released gas to fake a chemical attack but again this is all unknown as it was in a war zone with many people seeking to use it for propaganda and potentially draw America into the war.

one thing it was not was a dirty bomb.

The intercept has a reasonable article on the attack


You need to get better sources then the mouth piece for a dying country living in an imperial fantasy.

Also I am concerned that you disregard the consequences of your promotion of propaganda. From my poor calculations I came up with 200000 dead Ukrainian soldiers and I have heard up to 300000. Russia has mobilized up to 500000 from one report. Ukraine is bleeding to death and will lose in the end and all we get from your unit is state issued public relations. There are American forces in Romania ready to attack, Russia knows this and is building for this eventuality, even Jens Stoltenberg admitted if Ukraine loses NATO loses. What do you think this leads to?

This war could easily spin to total nuclear war within weeks yet your information unit, I can't call it a media organization, just promotes war at every step or worse some bland calming pap to hid the reality.

By refusing to give balance and seek the truth you are effectively participating in a crime against humanity.

If there is a nuclear war I won't come looking for you to berate you as I, along with the rest of humanity who survive in initial blasts, will have other more pressing matters but I do hope you think about who you work for and how much they pay you for your soul.


#ukraine #propaganda


#kultur #politik #literatur #kriegsgetöse #propaganda #geschichtsrevisionismus #faschismus

Und noch etwas zur Kriegspreisverleihung des doitschen Buchhandels. Wieder aus einem Kommunistenblatt:
"Erstmals seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs zeigt sich wieder eine Bevölkerungsmehrheit offen kriegseuphorisch. Man spricht wieder von »den Russen«, entmenschlichtem Soldatenmaterial im Osten. Die Deutschen sind wieder für den Krieg, aber dieses Mal mit der Gewissheit, auf der moralisch richtigen Seite zu stehen."

Serhij Zhadan: Ausschwitz, Butscha und die moralisch richtige Kriegseuphorie der deutschen Kulturnation

....»Nach Auschwitz ein Gedicht zu schreiben, ist barbarisch, und das frisst auch die Erkenntnis an, warum es unmöglich ward, heute Gedichte zu schreiben«, notierte Theodor W. Adorno 1949. »Natürlich ist Dichtung nach Butscha und Isjum weiterhin möglich«, räumte Zhadan in seiner Preisrede ein. Taktil geht der Dichter vor, der Mann der Worte weiß, was er tut. Durch die Betonung der vermeintlichen Differenz stellt er erst seinen Vergleich an: Butscha ist ihm das Auschwitz dieser Tage.

Es sind den Worten kaum Grenzen gesetzt, auch nicht denen aus einer verständlichen Verzweiflung erwachsenen. Und sicher – man muss den Putin’schen Krieg anklagen, seine Beendigung einfordern, jedes einzelne Verbrechen verurteilen, jeden im Kampf begangenen Mord als solchen benennen. Aber die grausamen Massaker in den ukrainischen Ortschaften, die wohl Hunderte Todesopfer gefordert haben, sind nicht wie die Taten in den deutschen Todeslagern. Wir alle wissen, dass ein Krieg nicht ohne zivile Opfer auskommt. Das ist nur ein Kennzeichen seiner spezifischen Barbarei. Aber der industrielle Massenmord durch die deutschen Faschisten beschreibt ein anderes Ausmaß. Er nahm dem zufälligen Sterben im Krieg jene Zufälligkeit, er ließ es planmäßig werden. Die Chiffre Auschwitz steht für einen ungekannten Vernichtungsapparat.

Zhadan ruft das Auschwitz-Gleichnis auf, denn er weiß, was er will: kämpfen, weil er, wie er sagt, den ungerechten Frieden fürchtet. Er möchte nicht über Politik sprechen, er appelliert an die Gefühlswelt seines Publikums. Wer würde Auschwitz nicht verhindern wollen, auch wenn es heute Butscha heißt? Wer würde den Wunsch nach Waffenlieferungen ausschlagen, wenn er von denen geäußert würde, die »ihr Auschwitz« rächen wollen? Wir sind im Reich der Poesie, einer Dichtung, die den Krieg einfordert.

Warum erheben sich die Anwesenden zum Applaus, darunter die Grünen-Politikerinnen Claudia Roth und Kathrin Göring-Eckhardt? Erstmals seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs zeigt sich wieder eine Bevölkerungsmehrheit offen kriegseuphorisch. Man spricht wieder von »den Russen«, entmenschlichtem Soldatenmaterial im Osten. Die Deutschen sind wieder für den Krieg, aber dieses Mal mit der Gewissheit, auf der moralisch richtigen Seite zu stehen.
- https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1167952.serhij-zhadan-geschichte-schreiben-nach-auschwitz.html

Mehr über den Kriegspreisträger, seine Sympathie für die Asows & Co @ https://pod.geraspora.de/posts/15645420


When Fox News and News Max neocons are in line with #MSM trolls telling us we should fear Xi's consolidation of power... I not only question the narrative, I feel safe rejecting it.

They balked at Trump calling it the China virus but are now blaming Xi for covid as proof he's the embodiment of evil. I'm waiting him to be compared to Hitler.

Red flags like both "right" and "left" media in agreement should get your attention.

#China #propaganda #NWO #CIA #cabal



The new zealand media are going hard core to create a right wing conspiracy.

I think this is the group that the security services describes as unmotivated, unfit and no threat.

On the other hand we now have 8000 gang members of other types and the recruitment is increasing. Gang wars and murders are becoming weekly events.


My town of 1000 people has several recruits. This does keep the supply of methamphetamine constant and in this time of high inflation at least one thing is affordable.

#crime #politics #propaganda #newzealand