

Ukraine On Fire
#Ukraine #IWF #Bandera #Eu #Russia #NGO #CIA #Congo #Lumumba #Indonesia #Sukarno #Guatemala Árbenz #Cuba #Castro #Iran #Mosaddegh #NED #Chile #Allende #Activists #Journalists ... #Nayyem #Facebook #Maidan ... #Chornovol
#Staged-Murder #coup-d’état
#Snipers killed many
59:04 #Klitschko urged the protestors to continue
59:21 59:51 #Negotiations between the government and the opposition with the help of #Fabius,#Steinmeier, #Sikorski led to a truth.
1:00:35 The right sector will not let down the arms, will not lift a blockade from a single government building and was not interested in negotiations.
failed assassination of #Yanukovych
the Procedure of the impeachment wasn't followed.
A new Government took over.
The US government immediately acknowledged the new government as legitimate.
#Crimea didn't like to follow a regime of #Neo-Nazis
#Money for the corrupted...


Migration: Europe’s Complicity in Massive Human Rights Violations

These human tragedies are playing out at Europe's land and sea borders on a daily basis. The first quarter of this year marked the deadliest in the central #Mediterranean in six years, say humanitarian organisations in a joint statement.

Make no mistake: European States are complicit in the death of thousands and thousands of human beings on their shores, land borders and at home. The massive drowning of hundreds of migrants close to Greece shores on 14 June is just a new chapter in Europe’s long series of continued violations of all international human rights laws.

So far, 10 worldwide known humanitarian organisations have strongly reacted, in a joint denunciation statement, asking the European Union (EU) to ‘end rights violations at Europe’s borders.’

In their Joint NGO statement: The EU must not be complicit, launched on 16 June, organisations like Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Doctors Without Borders, OXFAM and Save the Children, among others, warned that once again, dozens of lives have been lost at Europe’s borders “due to the EU’s failure to allow people seeking protection to reach Europe safely.”

Hundreds are missing and presumed dead after the latest tragedy close to the Greek coast, with reports that amongst the dead are many women and children who were held below the deck of this overcrowded fishing vessel

#Migration #Europe #Greece #OXAM #EU #HumanRights #Inhumanity #HRW #Amnesty #NGO #Violation #Africa #Asia #DeathAtSea



#2014 #Maidan in #Taiwan #NGO A #color-revolution?

Decline and end of the movement

Although the occupation and the subsequent movement ignited the imagination of the masses, the overall political leadership of the movement remained in the hands of a small group of student leaders and NGOs that initiated the occupation. This wasn’t because these figures had prior authority among board layers of the masses. In fact, this hastily launched action and the subsequent mass mobilizations were spontaneous and leaderless in character. But because of a lack of a democratic structure through which the masses might organize themselves, the initiators became an unelected, unaccountable leadership that restricts the movement with their own narrow horizons.

These leaders didn’t have a working class perspective, but liberal, petty-bourgeois views. This was the primary reason why that movement ended in a whimper, despite the colossal energy it unleashed.


Nach langem Warten ist die baskische #AitaMari endlich zu ihrer 9. Mission und der 1. im Jahr 2023 in Richtung zentrales #Med unterwegs.

@maydayterraneo @smhumanitario
📷 @XimenaBorrazas


#rescueboat #searescue #migration #NGO #Mediterraneansea #Mediterranean #pateras #Africa


UK risks being listed as a ‘human rights abuser’, NGO warns

Human Rights Watch warns UK has ‘very short window’ to reverse legislation, including restrictions on the right to protest

The UK government could soon make the list of countries that abuse rather than protect human rights with its “outright assault” on the rights of its own citizens and aggressive roll-back of protections such as on the right to assemble and protest, according to the international NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW)


#HumanRights #UnitedKingdom #UK #NGO #HRW #HumanRightsWatch #ToryFascistDictatorship #DemocracyNotAutocracy #protest #rights #assemble #Orwellian #Orwell


Olie-, gas- en agro-lobby’s saboteren klimaatbeleid: dat maakt mij echt kwaad

Irene van Staveren (Trouw)

(...) Waar ik echt boos om word, is de enorme bedrijvenlobby tegen milieu- en klimaatbeleid. Dat gebeurt veelal achter de schermen en gaat gepaard met diverse vormen van misleiding (greenwashing), chantage (dreigen naar het buitenland te verhuizen) en omkoping (sponsoring van de jaarlijkse VN-klimaatconferenties).

De net afgesloten klimaatconferentie in Egypte heeft helemaal geen enkele stap vooruit gezet. (...) De bedrijvenlobby is erin geslaagd om heel wat zand in de raderen van het wereldwijde klimaatbeleid te strooien.

Helaas is dat hier bij ons niet anders. Tata Steel in IJmuiden heeft succesvol gelobbyd bij de provincie Noord-Holland. Hoe kan het anders dat het nieuwe stikstofplafond voor het bedrijf weliswaar 8 procent lager ligt dan het vorige, maar nog steeds zo ruim is dat het bedrijf geen enkele moeite hoeft te doen om zich eraan te houden? Dat is geen plafond, maar een open dak. (...)

Al decennia heeft [LTO, de lobbyorganisatie van agrarisch Nederland] heel effectief de omslag naar duurzame landbouw tegengehouden. Zodat we nu met een opeenstapeling van urgente problemen zitten. Stikstof, CO2, biodiversiteit en drinkwaterschaarste om er een paar te noemen. De LTO reageert verbaasd en vraagt om verder uitstel.

Die jarenlange lobby is eigenlijk helemaal niet in het belang geweest van de boeren die LTO zegt te vertegenwoordigen. Boeren gaan juist voor de lange termijn. (...) Het zou zomaar kunnen dat LTO zelf onderwerp is van de lobby door de agro-industrie, met de kortetermijnbelangen van hun slachterijketens en veevoergiganten. (...)

Hele artikel

Foto van Irene van Staveren
Irene van Staveren

Tags: #nederlands #nederland #klimaat #klimaatverandering #klimaatcrisis #klimaatakkoord #klimaatbeleid #droogte #overstromingen #amazone #regenwoud #ontbossing #bosbranden #hittegolf #energie #fossiele_brandstof #gazprom #gas #russisch_gas #energietransitie #energiecrisis #tipping_point #rusland #oekraine #duitsland #europa #europes_unie #permafrost #ijskap #zeespiegelstijging #extreem_weer #cop27 #saoedi-arabie #china #methaan #co2 #brazilie #lula #lula_da_silva #amazone #ngo #lobby #lto #landbouw #boeren #tata_steel #veeteelt #vleesindustrie #veevoer #slachthuizen


In #Burriana laufen mit Sicherheits- und Rettungsübungen die Vorbereitungen für die nächste Mission der #AitaMari.

@maydayterraneo @smhumanitario könnt Ihr hier unterstützen:

📷 @XimenaBorrazas


#rescue #HumanRights #NGO #pateras


#Update: 142 names, occupations & nations, responsible for creation & deployment of the engineered #Covid #virus &/or creation &/or deployment of #mRNA #injections, &/or #illegal #lockdowns, #mandates & other violations of #law relating to Covid.

Including #government officials, #corporate executives & others. All of these individuals are complicit in the mass #murder of millions of people #worldwide & must be brought to #justice.

Please reply with additional #names if you can #think of any not included.

#corporations #pfizer #biontech #vaccineinjuries #vaccinedeaths #eu #massmedia #socialmedia #usa #uk #un #nuremberg2 #canada #australia #newzealand #massmurder #ngo #criminals #criminalconspiracy #who #crime #astrazeneca #janssen #johnsonandjohnson #massmurder


Amnesty International #UK announced a new line of merchandise on Monday titled "End Israeli #Apartheid."
The announcement was made by Kristyan Benedict, #AmnestyInternational UK campaign manager for #Israel / #Palestine and #Syria, over #Twitter.
"New Amnesty UK T-shirts, briefings, and other merch to support the #EndIsraeliApartheid global campaign - more coming soon," Benedict tweeted.

https://www.jpost.com/bds-threat/article-711795 #humanrights #antisemitism #ai #ngo