

#Linux: #Elementary Founder Exits the #Company

source: https://www.thurrott.com/linux/265207/elementary-founder-exits-the-company

Elementary founder Cassidy #JamesBlaede revealed that he’s left the company, opening questions about the future of its Linux #distribution. It appears that he was basically forced out of Elementary by co-owner #DaniForé.

Maybe they should have made a cool #desktop for an existing distribution instead of making a whole distribution out of it, which now causes a lot of #work and has an uncertain #future.

#news #problem


Pfizer Data shows HIGHER RATE OF COVID in Vaccinated than Unvaccinated

Pfizer Adverse Effects Data: COVID-19 (4.6%)

Data, funded by taxpayers, finally released through court enforcement of denied FOIA.
First 38 pages includes 9 PAGES OF ADVERSE REACTIONS


A Registered Nurse summarizes the 9 pages


Tags, Topics and Terms - #Activism #Activist #SocialJustice #Justice #CivilRights #Freedom #Liberty #HumanRights #Humanitarianism #Humanitarian #Humanity #Organize #Organization #Collaboration #FunctionalCollaboration #Coordination #Cooperation #Empowerment #Culture #CulturalHealth #CulturalFreedom #HealthyCulture #SocialTheory #SocialScience #Government #Politics #PoliticalJustice #PoliticalScience #PoliSci #PublicPolicy #Policy #Democracy #MaintainingDemocracy #FunctionalDemocracy #ParticipatoryDemocracy #ParticipatoryEducation #Citizen #Citizenship #CitizenCommunications #Education #Access #Accessibility #AccessibleEducation #LiberateEducation #EducationLiberation #Socialism #Mutualism #MutualAide #SocialEcology #Anarchy #Anarchism #Anarchist #ChristianAnarchism #ChristianAnarchist #Christian #MessianicJew #Religion #Faith #Scientism #Collectivism #Capitalism #AntiFacist #AntiFa #Civilization #Economics #EconomicJustice #Law #Journalism #News #FightPropaganda #Propaganda #Truth #Corruption #Lies #USA #Canada #America #Europe #Asia #ToxicCulture #ToxicConformity #Fascism #Fascist #Paternialism #MonoCulture #Discrimination #StopDiscrimination #Oppression #Persecution #Slavery #KnowThyEnemy #Privacy #Hero #Heroine #Heroes #Heroines #Righteous #Righteousness #Vigilance #Peace #ReWild #Wild #ReWildorDie #KnowThySelf #Health #HealthCare #Healthy #Medical #Medicine #Medic #Wellness #WellBeing #Psychology #Psych #Sociology #Power #Sustainability #COVID #COVID-19 #Coronavirus #Pandemic #Quarantine #Vaccine #InformedConsent #ClinicalTrial #Autonomy #Pfizer #Shot #Jab #LongCOVID #PostCOVID #PostCOVIDSyndrome #Vaxx #NoVax #EndAllMandates #AdverseReactions #Survival #Prepper #Prep #Preppers #EMT #DeColonize #DeColonization #DeAssimilate #PublicSafety #Homeless #Homelessness #Houseless #Housing #HousingJustice #InformationJustice #Accessibility #FairAccesibility #Distribution #KnowledgeDistribution #InfoDistribution #EducationJustice #EducationalJustice #InfoShare #GrassrootsEducation #KnowledgeIsPower #LegalLiteracyLiberation #LiberateLegalLiteracy #Luddite #Union #Science #BioTech #Tech #Democrat #Republican #Progressive #WEF #Eugenics


#Internet : Vers la fin de l'âge d'or ?

La Timeline 👉
00:00 Introduction : Les débuts d’Internet
02:37 Le #monopole des #réseaux #sociaux et la collecte de vos #informations.
05:15 Montée en puissance de la #censure : #Twitter vs #Parler
17:11 La liste de #distribution, le seul moyen d’avoir une vraie audience.
20:58 #Cancel #Culture et #mouvement#Woke” : Le cas J.K Rowling
25:16 La réécriture de l’ #histoire
30:35 Le cas Justine Sacco
39:16 La #bien-pensance se substitue-t-elle à la #loi ?
43:28 #Crédit #Social : vers un #monde à l’image d’ #Instagram.
47:24 #Google : le #scénario #Skynet se précise.

#cancelculture #réseauxsociaux #créditsocial #GAFA #GAFAM #WEB #NET #NeutralitéDuNet #Facebook


In solidarity with Library Genesis and Sci-Hub

In Antoine de Saint Exupéry's tale the Little Prince meets a businessman who accumulates stars with the sole purpose of being able to buy more stars. The Little Prince is perplexed. He owns only a flower, which he waters every day. Three volcanoes, which he cleans every week. "It is of some use to my volcanoes, and it is of some use to my flower, that I own them," he says, "but you are of no use to the stars that you own".

There are many businessmen who own knowledge today. Consider Elsevier, the largest scholarly publisher, whose 37% profit margin1 stands in sharp contrast to the rising fees, expanding student loan debt and poverty-level wages for adjunct faculty. Elsevier owns some of the largest databases of academic material, which are licensed at prices so scandalously high that even Harvard, the richest university of the global north, has complained that it cannot afford them any longer. Robert Darnton, the past director of Harvard Library, says "We faculty do the research, write the papers, referee papers by other researchers, serve on editorial boards, all of it for free … and then we buy back the results of our labour at outrageous prices."2 For all the work supported by public money benefiting scholarly publishers, particularly the peer review that grounds their legitimacy, journal articles are priced such that they prohibit access to science to many academics - and all non-academics - across the world, and render it a token of privilege.3

Elsevier has recently filed a copyright infringement suit in New York against Science Hub and Library Genesis claiming millions of dollars in damages.4 This has come as a big blow, not just to the administrators of the websites but also to thousands of researchers around the world for whom these sites are the only viable source of academic materials. The social media, mailing lists and IRC channels have been filled with their distress messages, desperately seeking articles and publications.

Even as the New York District Court was delivering its injunction, news came of the entire editorial board of highly-esteemed journal Lingua handing in their collective resignation, citing as their reason the refusal by Elsevier to go open access and give up on the high fees it charges to authors and their academic institutions. As we write these lines, a petition is doing the rounds demanding that Taylor & Francis doesn't shut down Ashgate5, a formerly independent humanities publisher that it acquired earlier in 2015. It is threatened to go the way of other small publishers that are being rolled over by the growing monopoly and concentration in the publishing market. These are just some of the signs that the system is broken. It devalues us, authors, editors and readers alike. It parasites on our labor, it thwarts our service to the public, it denies us access6.

We have the means and methods to make knowledge accessible to everyone, with no economic barrier to access and at a much lower cost to society. But closed access’s monopoly over academic publishing, its spectacular profits and its central role in the allocation of academic prestige trump the public interest. Commercial publishers effectively impede open access, criminalize us, prosecute our heroes and heroines, and destroy our libraries, again and again. Before Science Hub and Library Genesis there was Library.nu or Gigapedia; before Gigapedia there was textz.com; before textz.com there was little; and before there was little there was nothing. That's what they want: to reduce most of us back to nothing. And they have the full support of the courts and law to do exactly that.7

In Elsevier's case against Sci-Hub and Library Genesis, the judge said: "simply making copyrighted content available for free via a foreign website, disserves the public interest"8. Alexandra Elbakyan's original plea put the stakes much higher: "If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge."

We demonstrate daily, and on a massive scale, that the system is broken. We share our writing secretly behind the backs of our publishers, circumvent paywalls to access articles and publications, digitize and upload books to libraries. This is the other side of 37% profit margins: our knowledge commons grows in the fault lines of a broken system. We are all custodians of knowledge, custodians of the same infrastructures that we depend on for producing knowledge, custodians of our fertile but fragile commons. To be a custodian is, de facto, to download, to share, to read, to write, to review, to edit, to digitize, to archive, to maintain libraries, to make them accessible. It is to be of use to, not to make property of, our knowledge commons.

More than seven years ago Aaron Swartz, who spared no risk in standing up for what we here urge you to stand up for too, wrote: "We need to take information, wherever it is stored, make our copies and share them with the world. We need to take stuff that's out of copyright and add it to the archive. We need to buy secret databases and put them on the Web. We need to download scientific journals and upload them to file sharing networks. We need to fight for Guerilla Open Access. With enough of us, around the world, we'll not just send a strong message opposing the privatization of knowledge — we'll make it a thing of the past. Will you join us?"9

We find ourselves at a decisive moment. This is the time to recognize that the very existence of our massive knowledge commons is an act of collective civil disobedience. It is the time to emerge from hiding and put our names behind this act of resistance. You may feel isolated, but there are many of us. The anger, desperation and fear of losing our library infrastructures, voiced across the internet, tell us that. This is the time for us custodians, being dogs, humans or cyborgs, with our names, nicknames and pseudonyms, to raise our voices.

Share this letter - read it in public - leave it in the printer. Share your writing - digitize a book - upload your files. Don't let our knowledge be crushed. Care for the libraries - care for the metadata - care for the backup. Water the flowers - clean the volcanoes.

30 November 2015

Dušan Barok, Josephine Berry, Bodó Balázs, Sean Dockray, Kenneth Goldsmith, Anthony Iles, Lawrence Liang, Sebastian Lütgert, Pauline van Mourik Broekman, Marcell Mars, spideralex, Tomislav Medak, Dubravka Sekulić, Femke Snelting...

In solidarity with Library Genesis and Sci-Hub

#Activism ~Activist #SocialJustice #Justice #CivilRights #Equality #Diversity #Pluralism #Freedom #Liberty #HumanRights #Humanitarianism #Humanitarian ~Humanity #Organize ~Organization #Collaboration #FunctionalCollaboration ~Coordination #Cooperation #Empowerment #Culture ~CulturalHealth ~CulturalFreedom ~CulturalPluralism ~CulturalDiversity ~HealthyCulture ~MonoCulture #Theory #Society #SocialTheory #SocialScience ~Social #Government #Politics #PoliticalJustice #PoliticalScience #PoliSci #PublicPolicy #Policy #Democracy ~MaintainingDemocracy ~FunctionalDemocracy ~ParticipatoryDemocracy ~ParticipatoryEducation #Citizen ~Citizenship ~CitizenCommunications #Education #Access #Accessibility ~AccessibleEducation #LiberateEducation #EducationLiberation #Socialism #Mutualism #Mutualist #MutualAide #SocialEcology #Anarchy #Anarchism #Anarchist ~ChristianAnarchism ~ChristianAnarchist #Collectivism #Capitalism #AntiFacist #AntiFa ~Civilization #Economics #EconomicJustice #Law #Journalism #History #FightPropaganda #Propaganda #Truth #Corruption #Lies #Environmentalism #CopInHead #ToxicCulture #ToxicConformity #Fascism #Fascist ~Oppression ~Persecution #KnowThyEnemy #Hero #Heroine ~Heroes ~Heroines #Righteous #Righteousness #Vigilance #Peace #ReWild #Wild #ReWildorDie #Health #HealthCare #Wellness #WellBeing #Psychology #Psych #Sociology ~Power #Sustainability #Survival #DeColonize ~DeColonization #DeAssimilate #DemocratizeEducation #InformationJustice #Accessibility #FairAccesibility #Distribution #KnowledgeDistribution #InfoDistribution #EducationJustice #EducationalJustice #InfoShare #GrassrootsEducation #KnowledgeIsPower #LegalLiteracyLiberation #LiberateLegalLiteracy #Luddite #Union #Science #IT #Computers #Progressive


Cuba ~ End the Embargo

‘If #JoeBiden or frankly any US politician #cared about the #Cuban #people, they’d push for an end to the US’s #crippling #economic sanctions on Cuba.’

‘All people have the right to #protest and to live in a #democratic #society. I call on the Cuban government to #respect opposition rights and refrain from violence. It’s also long past time to end the #unilateral #US #embargo on #Cuba, which has only #hurt, not #helped, the Cuban #people.’ …. #BernieSanders

‘It’s important to remember that before the #Cuban #Revolution, Cuba was a #colonial #piggy-bank for #American #capitalists to #exploit. The revolution stopped the United States from treating Cuba like its little plaything, which the United States has never been able to accept.’

‘The US continually punishes #Haiti & Cuba because these are nations that successfully #revolted against #white #supremacist #empires in generations past.’

‘The #whole #world has spoken against the US embargo against Cuba. In the #UN #GeneralAssembly, 184 countries voted to #condemn the #blockade. Only two, the US and #Israel, voted not to. Cuba loses $9.1 billion a year due to the blockade.’

‘Not only is the US blockading Cuba, they are claiming #veto #power over any other country which wishes to send Cuba #food and #medicine.’

‘The choice is clear. Which side are we on? The US, which continues to #violate #international #law by decades of crippling #sanctions even in the face of a #pandemic, or Cuba, which has created five different vaccines and sent thousands of #doctors to #heal #people around the world?’

‘Nobody is charged a dime in Cuba for their #treatment. But in the US, people are denied treatment unless they have tens of thousands of dollars to pay for medical bills. Again, which side are you on?’

‘In addition, Cuba has: – #Guaranteed #salaries; – #Nationalized #BigPharma; – #Distribution of #food, #electricity, and piped #water.’

‘The US is trying to create a #self-fulfilling #prophecy with Cuba. Cripple it with #decades of sanctions, then try to initiate an #astroturf #regime #change operation. This is typical M.O. for the #PoliceState.

'Never forget the explicitly stated goal of the US government’s murderous, #illegal, 60-year blockade on Cuba: to " #weaken the economic #life of Cuba," and " #decrease #monetary and #real #wages, to bring about #hunger, #desperation and #overthrow of #government."

#EndTheEmbargo #HandsOffCuba #VivaCuba! #VivaLaRevolucion! #VivaElPuebloCubano!



Information Symmetries: Distribution vs. Assembly

I'm thinking again about communication, content, information, audiences, space, time, aggregation, and the like. This is all probably obvious, but writing it explicitly is helpful to me.

Networks distribute messages.

Spaces assemble audiences.

There are hybrid forms as well:

Media Channels combine distribution with an assembled audience.

Tours visit a series of audience across a travel path.

Archives gather records to spaces which readers can visit and access large quantities of information at little marginal cost (effort, time, distance, energy).

Note that "media channels" are distinct from the notion of a "signal channel" which I otherwise refer to simply as "channels".
"Tours" includes various synonyms: roadshows, travelling circus, conference series. "Archives" is principally aimed at a physical archive as in a library containing physical records, though the notion might be extended to online archives as well. Terminology concerning information and related domains (thought, ideas, knowledge, data) is tremendously difficult and confusing. Sorry.

Previously: Information symmetries of signals and records

This musing follows on a set of earlier thoughts on the symmetry between signals and records and their relations to energy, matter, time, space, media, and effects.

Signals transmit encoded symbolic messages from a transmitter across_ space_ through a channel by variations in energy over time to a receiver potentially creating a new record.

Records transmit encoded symbolic messages from a writer through a substrate across time by variations in matter over space to a reader potentially creating a new signal.

Again, there are hybrid forms as well, e.g., endocrine and chemical signalling systems are based on records (the encoded chemicals) but distribute much as signals (broadcast through space). Subatomic particles might be considered similarly. Synonyms for "receiver" include listener, viewer, audience, etc. "Channel" here is in the signal propagation sense. Note that a channel may be an omnidirectional broadcast, a directed transmission, or confined within a waveguide. These have distinct attributes as to direction, attenuation, noise, and audience.

Coctktail Party Communication Flows

It's observed that "you can go on little tours at a crowded party".[1]

On that ...

Public speaking for a long time was limited by the carrying power of a single human voice, and was long shaped by the acoustics of spaces (outdoor arenas, indoor chambers) in which those addresses were given. If you think through the characteristics of classical oratory (rhyme, meter, often musical accompanyment), these probably served mnemonic roles (in remembering the content, for the speaker), but might also have aided the audience in hearing (something I've just now thought of ... the mnemonic role is an older realisation).

Stone cathedrals and churches, with a horn-shaped pulpit (projecting the preacher's voice outwards to the pews), and a sing-song chant intonation (reverberates off the walls) likewise.

Modern audio capture, amplification, and speaker technology changed everything. German audio technology prior to and during WWII (mics, amps, speakers, magnetic audio tape) were strategic assets and game-changers. The Nueremberg Rallies and simultaneous nationwide taped addresses could not happen without those. (Bing Crosby played a major role in developing tape and audio tech in the US after the war, I believe with CiA / OSS support.)

Which is a prelude to the "tours at a party" comment.

A crowded party is a high-density social gathering usually without amplification, at least for speakers (and usually cover of music or other distraction, e.g., high noise, meaning high signal attenuation for any given speaker), making a set of small-n discussions (say, 2-10 people, and usually on the smaller side) possible. These are both serial (one person may speak or listen to numerous conversations) and simultaneous (there are numerous conversations happening at once).

The "cocktail party" scenario is a frequent one in various theoretical explorations in several domains (game theory, probability, etc., most dating to the CP's own heyday of roughly 1940 -- 1970 or so), though I haven't read anything specific to information/comms theory/studies that I recall. This might be interesting to research, suggested keywords "cocktail party problem", "cocktail party strategy", etc. There is notably the cocktail party effect, of focusing on a single conversatioin within a melieu, though that refers to attention and filtering by an individual rather than the overall informational flow. The notion of a city as a melenge of stories also occurs in literature and/or films, though I'm not recalling specific intances presently. And of course there is the economic notion of cities as supporting a high degree of differentiation and specialisation in economic roles and activities, observed since Adam Smith.

But Is There Maths?

Is there a mathematical expression of the signal/record relationshipi and symmetry? Um ... probably, though I'm going on thin ice here. I think what we'd be looking for might be something like:

Message characteristic: δe/δt * d * ε

Record: characteristic δm/δd * t * ε


  • e: energy
  • m: mass
  • d: distance
  • t: time
  • ε: noise, error, entropy. Yes, that's a bit vague.

Not notationalised: encoding, direction, rate of propagation.

(I'm pretty sure that's wrong. It's conceptually ... interesting)

That's the "change in energy with time ... multiplied by? ... space" and "change in matter over distance ... multiplied by? ... time".

I'm pretty confident of the differential fraction term. The operation and the third term, not so much.

There's quite a bit of physics of signals and wave propagation, and the message equations might borrow from that. Also Claude Shannon. I'm not aware of a similar physics of records, per se, though some aspects of that, e.g., Newton's Laws of Motion, would apply. I'm reviewing my sources on these....

Note that signals also travel through time, and records also travel through space (more properly for both, within an inertial reference frame limited by their light cone) though the principle mode of propagation is as noted previously. Interesting cases might be cases of near-hybrid record-signal propagation where movement through space-time is roughly proportionate (also suggesting that encoding as mass-energy is also roughly proportionate).

On the Value of Abstraction

In reading and researching media, communications, language, and information theory over the past few years, some observations:

  • There's a lot of practice that's not especially aware of theory. Or even that theory might potentially exist.
  • Claude Shannon's work was absolutely revolutionary. "A Mathematical Theory of Communications" (1948)
  • Communications is a concept that spans numerous disciplines, many of which have their own individually-developed notions, nomenclatures, operations, communities, philosophies, contexts, and histories. Reinventing wheels is wildly popular.
  • There's almost always someone who's previously had thoughts similar to my own. A hobby has been having new-to-me "original" thoughts, then putting an effort into discovering who got there earlier. If I'm within a few decades of first emergence, I consider myself reasonably warm-on-trail. This applies genererally across domains, not merely information and media.
  • There's a lot of writing / discussion that's very implementation-specific to technology, craft, business or industry line, and the like. I like to look beyond that.
  • There's a great deal that's been written that I've not read. Of the works I have, Shanon's original paper on Inforation Theory, Jeremy Cambell's Grammatical Man, and James Gleick's Chaos have been invaluable. There are many, many other references, a few I've read though listing even those would be a stretch. Gleick and Campbell's own later works (The Lair's Tale and The Information) would be two I desperately want to read.

Identifying the abstract notions is very useful in finding patterns, and potential new developments. As an example, one idea that fell out of my information/signal/record symmetry notion was the realisation that channels and substrates (if you can think of a better single-word term for "recording medium" as distinct from "transmission medium", please do), was that each is characterised by a predictable ground state and a generally unconstrained state space that can be mapped to it.

Erwin Schroedinger came up with the notion of "aperiodic crystals" (I encountered this in Hofstadter's Goedel, Escher, Bach (1979)). Einstein pressaged the discovery of the maser and laser working with stimulated emissions of radiation. Lasers & masers are analogues of radio-frequency transmitters. Stone, clay, papyrus, paper, punch-cards, mag-tape, spinning rust, digital media (CD/DVD/BluRay) are all state-impressionalble media. Fourier transforms apply strongly to analogue signal encoding in signals.

Mind, I kind of half-grasp most of this, though could probably work my way through it given the initiative to do so and understanding of significance.

A prediction though is that matter states which are highly regular but arbitrarily modifiable will likely prove excellent storage media. I'm looking at you, graphene.

Adapted from a Mastodon thread with numerous corrections, expansions, and revisions: https://toot.cat/@dredmorbius/106388460596905072


  1. Thanks poebble: https://todon.eu/@poebbel/106388540566235519

#information #content #distribution #audience #eyeballs #time #space #records #signals #symmetry #performance #kfc


Applying JIT principles to the health system, has forced governments to artificially create the ideal JIT sickness demand scenario (flattening the curve)...

Just-in-time: The larger the disaster the worse the effect on just-in-time failures. Electrical power is the ultimate example of just-in-time delivery. A severe geomagnetic storm could disrupt electrical power delivery for hours to years, locally or even globally. Lack of supplies on hand to repair the electrical system would have catastrophic effects.

Just in case A JIC examples of buyers would be the military or hospitals who need to maintain large inventories because waiting for JIT producers to ramp up production for needed supplies may result in losses (i.e. wars, lives).

#coronavirus #jit #jic #logistics #distribution #health


GNU Guix 1.0.1


J’ai récemment migré mon système #Guix (anciennement appelé #GuixSD) de la version 0.16 vers la version 1.0.1. J’ai eu quelques soucis par rapport à mon pilote Wifi, l’occasion de tester l’aspect transactionnel de la #distribution. Très puissant. ;)

Pour ceux qui seraient intéressés ou qui seraient réticents à essayer cette distribution, je maintiens un dépôt de paquets Guix où l’on peut trouver des paquets pour le pilote Broadcom STA (module wl), Mozilla #Firefox, Mozilla #Thunderbird et autres petites perles logicielles.

#GNU #système #Linux-libre #Shepherd