


i've not watched this.

i just got caught on this phrase in the intro, and set it on a loop

prevention and punishment of genocide.


prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide.


#genocide #averybritishgenocide #eugenics #softkill #scamdemic #operationlockstep #event201 #georgiaguidestones #genocidetreaty #warcrimes #massmurder #terror #undemocratic #sovereignty #bodilyautonomy #humanrights #neveragain #nuremberg #wewillnurembergagain

prevention and punishment of genocide.

prevention and punishment of genocide.


Great news!

anonymiss - 2022-11-28 00:44:06 GMT

#France says non to #Office365 and #Google Workspace in #school

source: https://www.theregister.com/2022/11/22/france_no_windows_google/

The French minister of national #education and youth has said that free versions of #Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace should not be used in schools – a position that reflects ongoing European concerns about #cloud #data #sovereignty, competition, and #privacy rules.

#Europe #news #software #politics #freedom


#France says non to #Office365 and #Google Workspace in #school

source: https://www.theregister.com/2022/11/22/france_no_windows_google/

The French minister of national #education and youth has said that free versions of #Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace should not be used in schools – a position that reflects ongoing European concerns about #cloud #data #sovereignty, competition, and #privacy rules.

#Europe #news #software #politics #freedom


Food, Farming, and Africa ~ An Open Letter to Bill Gates


"We, 50 organizations focused on food sovereignty and justice worldwide, want you to know there is no shortage of practical solutions and innovations by African farmers and organizations. We invite you to step back and learn from those on the ground." — Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

#food #farming #farmers #seeds #sovereignty #africa #letter #billgates #open-letter-to-bill-gates #billionaire #arrogance #hubris #ignorance #capitalism #agra #environment #community


Politics is a philosophy, not a science.
Population management is a science.

Politics gives populations a tool for civilizational self-direction.

The science of population control gives Nietzschean elites a tool for their surrogates to manage populations.

#politics #philosophy #sovereignty #civilization #westerncivilization #nietzschean #nietzsche #theelite #rulebyelites #ubermensch #elites #science #scientism #scientocracy #socialengineering #socialengineers #societalmanagers #societalcontrol #civilizationalmanagement #control #manipulation #narratives #hegalian #fauxhegaliandielectic #propaganda


The number one cause of unnatural human death and suffering throughout history is government in one form or another.

Giving government the monopoly on force is simply giving a small, powerful group of people the ability to kill or tyrannize everybody else, and then hoping they won't do so.

#1776 #USA #2ndamendment #2a #usconstitution #secondamendment #monopolyonforce #selfpreservation #selfdefense #seventeenseventysix #government #tyranny #freedom #uk #liberty #liberté #godgivenrights #1a #naturalrights #humanrights #guns #firearms #defenserifle #assaultrifle #america #unitedstatesofamerica #unitedstates #guncontrol #law #eu #jurisprudence #rightsofman #truth #justice #sovereignty #usconstitution


Interesting comment by Micheal Edward about being an #American vs. being a #citizen. You are an American if you have someone in your #family who was living in America before the American #Revolution, or before the year 1789. He's saying that means you are above the law, because in the Treaty of Paris, King George ceded his royal #sovereignty to the American people and their #progeny forever. https://prepareforchange.net/2019/06/10/live-life-claim/


There is an attempt underway to cede the national #sovereignty of 193 nations to the World #Health Organisation.

If successful, this would permit the W.H.O & those who puppeteer it, to suspend the #economic activity, #rights, constitutions & #laws of it's member states in the event the W.H.O decides to declare a "Public Health Emergency of #International Concern".

The Supranational #Elite #Scions have #viruses #engineered & ready to release, they can start a "Public Health #Emergency of International Concern" any time they like & then use the W.H.O, mass #media, #information industries & usurped #governments to suspend rights & impose conditions on the #world that will lead to #tyranny & deliberate mass #depopulation of #humanity.


#Brinksmanship is all about saving face. If the #US or #NATO declare that #Ukraine cannot ever join NATO, that is the same as saying that they don't recognize Ukraine's #sovereignty to make its own alliances, which would be a violation of NATO principles. But if Ukraine assures #Russia that they will not seek to join NATO, that would be its own "sovereign" decision and would let the US and NATO off the hook. (I put "sovereign" in quotes because it is obviously not a sovereign decision when they have literally thousands of #Russian guns at their head. But it may be a way to avoid war.)


In Deutschland malt man sich lieber das Ende der Welt aus, als freie Software zu nutzen, in Chile gibt es ein ganz anderes Bild:

Help Chile write free software values, privacy, and digital sovereignty into their constitution

"Propuestas constitucionales para Chile en la era de la información, three proposals to establish the following principles in the foundations of Chilean law:

  • Access to knowledge
  • Technological and digital sovereignty
  • Internet privacy

Each of these proposals needs 15,000 Chilean signatures to be proposed at the constitutional convention, and I’d like you to help Felix and other advocates for digital freedoms in Chile get the attention they need."


#chile #freesoftware #privacy #sovereignty #gafam



interesting intro clip question(s) posed. #consider

Totalitarian Trajectory Vs. Courage

#totalitarian #totalitariantrajectory #totalitarianism #medicaltotalitarianism #courage #charleseisenstein #tessalena #makelanguagegreatagain #sovereignty #freedom #conversation

How much are you willing to take?... Before you finally find the courage to stand up for your sovereignty and your freedom?
How about if we mandate that you stay indoors?
You have to stay in your house, for, two weeks. Is that enough?... For you to stand up and resist? No? Okay.
Lets extend it to a month. Lets extend it to a year. How about forceably injecting you with chemicals that are gonna make you sick. Is that enough? Oh!? No? Okay.
How about if we asked you to do it twice? You're still not going to stand up for yourself? How about three times? How about four times? How about your kids? It's not going to end... Until... We say, ENOUGH!


Javier Blas on Twitter: "EUROPEAN ENERGY CRISIS: In the electricity market, France and others see a bit of relief today. But Spain does the opposite, with day-ahead prices climbing to the 2nd highest ever level (almost €275 per MWh, just a touch below to highest in October). The tide keeps rising. https://t.co/gSVVAlbuSg" / Twitter

#energy #sovereignty



Pandemic Brooding: Can the Permaculture movement survive the first severe test of the energy descent future?

by David Holmgren

"Outsourcing personal responsibility for due diligence to authorities is a risky strategy at the best of times; in times of challenge and rapid change the risks escalate. …

For many permies, the pandemic seems another example of hyped threat like the ‘war on weeds’, ‘war on drugs’, ‘war on terror’ used to manipulate the population to comply with some version of disaster capitalist1 solutions. Most sceptics acknowledge the virus as real, but not as dangerous as the cure in lockdowns and other draconian measures. The ‘war on the virus’ seems just as futile or misguided as all the other wars on nature, substances and concepts. So much for trying to have nuanced discussions about viruses as an essential and largely symbiotic mechanism for the exchange of genetic material and mediation of evolution!

While the closure and loss of cafés, gyms and hairdressers might not be a great loss, except to those directly affected, many of us have noticed that the official response to the pandemic tends to follow a pattern of support and strengthening of dominant corporations while leading to the weakening and likely collapse of small business and community self-organised activities. "

"The sovereignty of persons to choose freely how they grapple with the tension between autonomy and the needs of the commonwealth is not just an ideal from western Enlightenment civilisation working out how to apply the gift of fossil fuel wealth. It is a fundamental expression of how the ecology of context is constantly shifting, and that all systems simultaneously express life through bottom-up autonomy of action and top-down guidance of collective wisdom.

In times of great stability, the distilled wisdom of the collective, embodied in institutions, carries human culture for the long run. Sometimes the sanctions on the individuals who rejected the rules of the collective were harsh and, according to modern thinking, arbitrary but over long periods of relative stability, those rules kept society working. In times of challenge and change it is, ironically, dissidents at the fringes who salvage and conserve some of the truths of the dying culture into the unknown future to craft new patterns of recombinant culture…"

#DavidHolmgren #pandemic #permaculture #movement #food-growing #collective #sovereignty



Before They Fall

Before They Fall

Conservation groups, First Nations, and scientists come together in this timely, upcoming short film, as a decades-long battle to protect endangered old-growth forests in BC escalates at Fairy Creek (the last unprotected, intact valley on southern Vancouver Island).

The film explores the characters’ individual relationships with ancient forests, and why it’s imperative we collectively protect them. It touches on potential solutions, like a transition away from old-growth in the future of logging, and Indigenous sovereignty.

#BeforeTheyFall #documentary #film #nature #environment #trees #old-growth #forests #protection #preservation #conservation #activism #grassroots #movement #FairyCreek #FirstNations #Indigenous #sovereignty #CamMacArthur #ecologyst #ecologystfilms #docu-films