

Ukraine is, apparently, a major #global center for #child #rape, child #prostitution, child #pornography production & child rape #tourism.

Ukraine's capital #Kiev / #Kyiv is both The major center in #Ukraine for the sexual #exploitation of #children & home to #Jewish #Ukrainian president Volodymyr #Zelenskyy.

I find child rape, especially the #systematic & #commercialised versions of it to be the most vile & egregious of #crimes. Perhaps #Putin will bring an end to this abomination?

#ukrainecrisis #childtrafficking #nwo #childabuse #ukraineconflict #russia #volodymyrzelenskyy #kiev #kyiv #globalism #newworldorder #davos #criminals




#Happy #Hanukkah

Rare recordings kept in the National Library's collection reveal the Hanukkah songs that gave hope to Jewish children during World War 2

In the summer of 1948, Ben Stonehill, a #Jewish man of Polish descent and a lover of everything #Yiddish with a keen historical awareness, made his way uptown on the New York City subway system carrying a bag filled with recording equipment. Word had reached him that Jewish #refugees had been brought to a hotel on the Upper West Side, and he wanted to get there as quickly as possible.

#Stonehill set up his equipment and asked the refugees to sing all the #songs they knew from before the war. He recorded over 40 hours of music and most likely saved more than 1000 songs from being lost forever.

Men and women, young and old, sang in Hebrew, Russian, and Polish – but most of them sang in their mother-tongue – Yiddish. Children clamored around the music recorder, begging for a chance at the microphone. They wanted to hear their own voices, recorded by Stonehill. The technology delighted them and they were excited to sing the songs they heard at their parents’ knees, songs from their #Hebrew school, from their youth movement, from the ghetto, from the camp, and even from where they remained hidden during the destruction. Those pieces of their culture, their voices, would now be alive forever, for future generations.

As we listen, other voices can be heard in the background, other survivors crying, laughing, and singing along.

Hanukkah was celebrated and observed throughout the war, in the ghettos and even in the camps, as the survivors hoped beyond hope that the suffering would end and believed that they would be free once again. These were small glimmers of light in the endless darkness and Hanukkah was of specific symbolic importance during the #Holocaust.


I just wanted to try to #contextualise the notion of "antisemitism", so people who are concerned about it can understand the #phenomenon more accurately.

According to #statistics published by Tel Aviv #University, #violent anti-Semitic attacks are #trending down from a #high in 2009. This is #data available on #Statista.


According to the Tel Aviv University #stats via Statista, there have been a total of 12,492 "violent anti-Semitic incidents" #worldwide since 1989. Unfortunately the term "incident" is not defined and neither is the #violence #qualified, so there's a limit to what can be inferred from this #data.

However, the #numbers can be understood. 12,492 is an average of 403 incidents a year, over the 31 year period. That's an average of 34 a month, or about 8 a week, worldwide, over 31 years.

If we take today's #Jewish #population of around 14,000,000 into account, that means that on average 0.0029% of #Jews are #victims of anti-Semitic violence each year, which means that 99.9971% of Jews are not victims of it.

If we assume all incidents are perpetrated by #Gentiles and also consider the #Gentile population is around 7,786,000,000, that means that on average only 1 out of every 19,320,100 Gentiles commits an act of anti-Semitic violence each year. That's 0.000005176% of Gentiles, meaning that 99.999994824% of Gentiles don't commit acts of anti-Semitic violence.

Great news for everybody, except those who use "#antisemitism" as a #political #tool and those organisations like the #ADL whose #financial existence relies on "antisemitism" remaining a significant #problem.


Young #Swedish man #raped with bottle for 6 hours by #Muslim #immigrants, charged with "#hate #crime" by usurped Swedish "#justice" #system.

This is the fault of #neoliberal #globalist Chancellor Angela #Merkel and #Jewish ex-#EU #Commission #President Jean-Claude #Juncker, who in 2015 opened #Europe's external #borders and permitted #millions of hostile peoples from antithetical #cultures to enter #European countries unchecked.

The #West's #governments have been #usurped by #globalists who are are working with the #CCP and among which people of #Afroasiatic descent are over-represented, in an effort to destroy the #West and merge its remains with the #East within a #technocratic #global #governance #plutocracy.



Antisemitische Parolen auf “Revolutionärer 1. Mai”-Demonstration in Berlin

Wie in den vergangenen Jahren kam es auf der diesjährigen “Revolutionären 1.Mai”-Demonstration in #Berlin zu antisemitischen Vorfällen. Mehrere Teilnehmer:innen trugen Plakate und Transparente mit antisemitischen Botschaften. Aus der #Demonstration heraus wurden wiederholt antisemitische Sprechchöre gerufen.

Ein inhaltlicher Schwerpunkt der linken Demonstration lag in diesem Jahr neben der antikapitalistischen, sozialkritischen Ausrichtung auf der Thematisierung von #Rassismus und #Diskriminierung. Federführend im Organisations-Bündnis war die Gruppe #Migrantifa Berlin. Motto der Versammlung, die um 17 Uhr auf dem Hermannplatz in Berlin-Neukölln begann, war “Yallah #Klassenkampf”. Teil der Demonstration waren auch mehrere antizionistische Gruppen wie “ #Palästina spricht”, “ #Jewish #Antifa Berlin”, “Queers* for a free #Palastine” und “Jüdischer antifaschistischer Bund”.

Bereits kurz nach Beginn der Versammlung riefen Demonstrant:innen “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. Der Slogan richtet sich gegen #Israel, das als “Besatzungsmacht” angesehen wird und das in der von Antizionist:innen angestrebten Neuordnung der Region nicht mehr vorkommt. Die Forderung jedoch nach einer #Zerstörung Israels, dem Zentrum des heutigen jüdischen Lebens, ist #antisemitisch.

Auch riefen Teilnehmer:innen der 1. Mai-Demonstration “ #Apartheid Israel”. Sie äußerten sich damit ebenfalls antisemitisch, denn der Vorwurf, dass Israel ein #Apartheidsstaat sei - wie das ehemalige Regime in #Südafrika - zielt auf die #Dämonisierung und #Delegitimierung des jüdischen Staates. Auch die Gruppe “Queers* for a free Palastine” erklärte auf einem Transparent ihren Kampf gegen Apartheid, Rassismus und #Islamophobie, erwähnte Israel dabei jedoch nicht explizit. Außerdem waren auf der traditionsreichen linken Demonstration #BDS -Sprechchöre zu hören. Die Teilnehmer:innen solidarisierten sich damit also mit einer antisemitischen Bewegung, die für einen #Boykott und die Zerstörung des jüdischen Staates Israel eintritt und dabei immer wieder auf klassische antisemitische Stereotype zurückgreift.

Eine Demonstrantin trug ein Plakat bei sich, auf dem “internationale #Solidarität gegen #Zionismus & Apartheid” gefordert wurde. Auch dies ist ein weit verbreitetes Motiv des antizionistischen #Antisemitismus: Der Zionismus, die nationale #Befreiungsbewegung der #Jüdinnen und #Juden, wird als rassistisches Unterfangen angesehen. Während weite Teile der #Linken sich stets mit Befreiungsbewegung im globalen Süden solidarisch gezeigt haben, findet diese Solidarität beim jüdischen Volk schnell ihr Ende. Vielmehr muss sich Israel als einzige #Demokratie im Nahen Osten vorwerfen lassen, ein rassistischer und menschenrechtsverachtender #Staat zu sein.

Auch vor expliziten Aufrufen zu #Gewalt und #Terror gegen die israelische Zivilbevölkerung schreckten einzelne Teilnehmer:innen der traditionellen linken Demonstration nicht zurück. Sie riefen am frühen Abend "Stop the war, stoppt den Krieg, #Intifada bis zum Sieg". Auch wenn diese Parole auf den ersten Blick einen pazifistischen Anschein erweckt, ist sie dies keineswegs: Als Intifada werden gewaltsame Angriffe und Terroranschläge gegen die israelische Bevölkerung in den 80er, 90er und 2000er Jahren bezeichnet.

Die “Jewish Antifa Berlin” erklärt auf ihrer Website ihre Solidarität mit der antisemitischen BDS-Kampagne, die für einen Boykott und faktisch für die Zerstörung des jüdischen Staates Israel eintritt. Die Gruppe “Jüdischer antifaschistischer Bund” ist eine Neugründung, die erst seit April 2021 öffentlich in Erscheinung ist. Die Teilnahme solcher jüdischen Gruppen an antizionistischen Veranstaltungen dient immer wieder dazu, sich von vornherein selbst von Kritik zu entlasten.

Alles in allem erinnerten die Bilder aus dem vordersten Block der diesjährigen “Revolutionären 1. Mai”-Demonstration vereinzelt eher an den israelfeindlichen #AlQuds -Marsch als an eine emanzipatorische linke Demonstration gegen Diskriminierung. Der antisemitische #AlQudsMarsch bleibt den Berliner:innen in diesem Jahr voraussichtlich erspart. Umso trauriger ist es daher, dass eine Demonstration mit der Zielsetzung Anti-Diskriminierung an diesem 1. Mai 2021 in Berlin zum Ort antizionistisch-antisemitischer Parolen geworden ist.

und war auch leider vorher schon absehbar, " #israelkritik" und so
https://jungle.world/artikel/2021/17/neue-gruppen-alte-probleme und https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1381560009977430016.html
die #querfront gegen den #judenstaat marschiert, "danke" an die " #linke" welche sich beharlich weigert, antisemitismus als problem wahrzunehmen, FUCK YOU!

Antisemitische Parolen auf “Revolutionärer 1. Mai”-Demonstration in Berlin


Tulsi Gabbard joins #CancelNetflix campaign, calls 'Cuties' child porn as GOP lawmakers ask DOJ to charge streaming service

Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has joined calls to “cancel” Netflix over its new film ‘Cuties,’ dubbing it “child porn” for its sexualized depictions of young girls after two GOP lawmakers urged the DOJ to sue the platform.

The former Democratic presidential hopeful took aim at Netflix in a Friday tweet, arguing the controversial film would only “whet the appetite for pedophiles” and “help fuel the child sex trafficking trade” while slamming the streaming service as “complicit.”

@netflix child porn "Cuties" will certainly whet the appetite of pedophiles & help fuel the child sex trafficking trade. 1 in 4 victims of trafficking are children. It happened to my friend's 13 year old daughter. Netflix, you are now complicit. #CancelNetflix

#tulsigabbard #Q #cuties #netflix #us #politics

#boycott the #jewish #culturewar


Jewish community commits #intellectual #suicide before our eyes

Three acts of #censorship in New York demonstrate the desperate pass to which Zionism has brought the American Jewish community: we are walking away from our greatest treasure, literacy.

Two days ago I reported that the Museum of Jewish Heritage had spiked a panel featuring John Judis’s book on Truman and Israel because that book, which says that Truman was for the separation of church and state and took a dim view of Zionism but the lobby compelled him to act against his principles, is just too scary and controversial.

Yesterday we reported that Ramaz School in New York had barred Rashid Khalidi from speaking and that students had risen up demanding that the prohibition be lifted. Jerry #Haber says:

No doubt the school is fearful of alienating its donor base. No explanation has been given so far.

Then there’s the news that Judith #Butler was supposed to give a talk about Kafka at the Jewish Museum of NY on March 6 and withdrew after people began flipping out over her endorsement of BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions of Israel). Again, donor pressure is cited.

Despite the event being non-political, critics contended that hosting someone who advocates against Israel at a museum that receives charitable contributions from the Jewish community crossed the line.

“The hosting of [BDS] advocate Judith Butler by The Jewish Museum is a slap in the face to every Jew,” Richard Allen, head of JCC Watch, told JNS.org.

The museum said in a statement, “[Butler] was chosen on the basis of her expertise on the subject matter to be discussed. While her political views were not a factor in her participation, the debates about her politics have become a distraction making it impossible to present the conversation about Kafka as intended.”

This is truly disgraceful. The #Jewish community is in #IQ freefall, and it’s happening before our eyes. The crazy uncles in our community are putting their feet down about who can come into the house, and other forbears are accepting the prohibitions out of some tribal impulse that recalls the self-destruction of the Shabbatai Tzvi collective delusion of the 1600s.


Boycott ALL goods with barcode #729
#Hasbara #BDS #boycott #BDSmovement #apartheid #Israel #Palestine #ethniccleansing #activism #Zionism #settlers #colonialism #internationallaw #occupation #mideast #middle-east #middleeast #humanrights #human-rights #Palestinian #Palestine #OPT #politics #discrimination #segregation #crimes #boycotts #westbank #NYC #JewishMuseum #Ramaz-School #RamazSchool #MuseumofJewishHeritage #Museum-of-Jewish-Heritage