

Don’t Wage Economic War on Afghanistan

#Sanctions advocates from the hardline Foundation for Defense of Democracies recently made the case for piling on sanctions on #Afghanistan by adding the #Taliban to both the FTO list and the list of state sponsors of terrorism. Hawks have been disastrously wrong about the use of sanctions for decades, and now they propose to strangle a country that has been wracked by #war for the last four decades. The last thing that Afghanistan needs after generations of armed #conflict is a new #US #economic war.

These calls for designating the Taliban would have a few practical effects, all of them bad: it would impede the delivery of #aid and the conduct of #trade with the rest of the world, it would deprive the #Afghan #people of being able to import goods from elsewhere, it would worsen the #refugee #crisis, and it would give Taliban every incentive to cooperate with and support #hostile groups.

#USA #PerpetualWar #antiwar #propeace #peace #pacifist #pacifism #HumanRights #humanitarian


It’s Happening Now But People Don’t See It ~ Roger Waters on Challenging Authority

~ Happy Birthday, Roger ~ September 6,1943


A #revolutionary and #powerful #speech from #musician and #PinkFloyd band member #RogerWaters on challenging #authority and #societal #change. This is not a drill. "We are all #brothers and #sisters under the skin and above it . . . it's super important that we #stop #lobbing #bombs over the top of the #wall and start trying to dismantle it, so that we can say 'hi' to whoever is on the other side, whether the #divide is #religious or #nationalistic or #political or #economic." ~ #Roger #Waters #humanrights #humanity



Please note: the Portuguese are among the best ppl in the world,
and the best they are the more they#migrate

Because #Fake and #Artistic #Democracy, #Corruption and #OrganizedCrime took over the #PoliticalParties, #Sovereign #Institutions, #Regulators, (pseudo) independent #media and #strategic #economic aspects.

Bazuca, aka the #PT #EuropeanUnion recovery project is a #CaseStudy of #country #incompetence, a #nonsense made over the knee for the good for a few.

The #EU
#Portugal is a #shithole #democracy that is backed by the conniving #blind #EU #Institutions, namely the #EuCouncil for sake of of #submissive voters.

#Potugal #election #VoterTurnout is usually under 50%

#SocialisParty #AntonioCosta #AntonioCostaPM


What is #Neoliberalism ?

"Soure": https://dgrnewsservice.org/resistance/indirect/education/what-is-neoliberalism/

This post provides a brief introduction to the current form of #capitalism: #neoliberalism. It includes sections on: neoliberal #ideology; Governmentality – how neoliberalism governs, neoliberal government policies; how neoliberalism is a capitalist class project of domination; the history of neoliberalism in the twentieth century; and the three phase of neoliberalism in government since the 1980s.

Neoliberalism is a form of capitalism and #liberalism. Neoliberalism is the most aggressive form of liberalism ever formulated.

They achieve this by using the state and corporate power to make us act in that way, regardless of what most people want

it is important to differentiate between capitalism and neoliberalism because they are not the same thing – they are not the same KIND of thing. Capitalism is an #economic practice. Neoliberalism is a philosophy about how societies in which that practice prevails should be managed, and a programme which is at least nominally informed that #philosophy, or looks like it is

Indeed, neoliberal decision-makers function as expert designers of an attractive ideological container for their market-friendly political agenda.

#Meritocracy is a key feature of neoliberal ideology. This promotes a “hierarchical and highly unequal set of social relations while claiming to offer individuals from all backgrounds an equal chance to compete for elite status.

Rather than operating along more traditional lines of pursuing the public good (rather than profits) by enhancing civil society and social justice, neoliberals call for the employment of governmental technologies that are taken from the world of business and commerce

A key function of neoliberal ideology is to “secure consent and generate political inertia precisely by enabling the experience of #precarity and individualised impotence to be experienced as normal and inevitable.

Phases of neoliberalism

  1. The ‘New Right’ of Thatcher and Reagan in the US and UK implemented a basic neoliberal economic programme with a range of conservative social policies such as restoring traditional family values, increased military spending, a tough law and order agenda, and limiting multiculturalism.

  2. Second-wave neoliberalism in the 1990s: Clinton’s and Blair’s Third Way
    The Blair and Clinton governments in the 1990s took a more centrist approach, that included the majority of neoliberalism combined with socially progressive policies. The governments supported private-sector-led economic growth, combined with the government providing a consistent level of social services to citizens. They also promoted equality for gay people and supported women in the labour market

  3. The third phase of neoliberalism began with bailing out the banks following the 2008 financial crisis. This was followed by austerity – massive cuts to public services. Inequality has increased, life expectancy has declined or stagnated, living standards have dropped. All this has polarised politics with the election of authoritarian, right-wing, isolationist politicians.

#politics #society


Jeremy Corbyn ~ Climate Crisis Is a Class Issue


'The #political and #economic #system we live in does not produce #climatechange by accident but by design, #rewarding big #polluters and #resource #extractors with #superprofits. But it doesn’t have to be like this, and our reaction must be one of #hope rather than #fear. If we take on the #powerful, removing the #systemic #incentives to #burn the #planet for a quick windfall, we can do things differently.'

#jeremycorbyn #corbyn #climate #crisis #class #issue #code #red #humanity #ipcc #cop26 #globalwarming #politics #uk #policy #environment #green #newdeal


Extreme Weather Events and Capitalism

The #Ice Is #Melting
The #Land Is #Burning
The #Ocean Is #Dying
The #Living #Planet Is #Unravelling
It's happening on our watch.
No more delays ...

#Climate #scientists around the world are alarmed by a triple climate-change-related crisis that hit the western U.S. and Canada in June and July.
Normally climatologists are careful in their assessment of extreme weather events, under pressure from energy industry profiteers and anti-science climate change deniers. They go to great pains to avoid being accused of exaggeration, and rarely (really never) point to climate change as the cause of specific freakish #weather events.

The severity of what has happened in June and July has pushed past many of their carefully calculated projections. The fingerprints of capitalist-induced global warming are all over the crime scene.

A severe #drought in the western states of the U.S. that has been worsening for months has nearly drained Lake Mead in Nevada, Lake Oroville in California and other major reservoirs, threatening #power #generation for millions of people. A series of intense, widespread, sustained heat waves tortured a quarter of the U.S. as well as western Canada for weeks, taking the lives of hundreds of people.
The super-dry conditions in the region have caused 83 wildfires, including the Dixie Fire in northern California and the Bootleg Fire in southern Oregon. They are two of the largest #wildfires in #history and are both still raging.

Mild Pacific Northwest goes wild

The southwest U.S. is no stranger to deadly heat, but what is most unexpected is that this extreme heat has hit the Pacific Northwest, a region known for mild temperatures and damp weather.
Roads buckled in Seattle from the sweltering heat. For several days Portland, Ore., was the fourth-hottest place on earth. British Columbia suffered the highest death toll with more than 800 deaths between the end of June and middle of July — quadruple the average number of deaths.
The village of Lytton in British Columbia burned to the ground just as Paradise, Calif., did in 2018 — essentially nothing left but ashes and smoke.
In Canada’s British Columbia province, and the U.S. states of Washington, Oregon and northern California, the heat broke all-time temperature records, and then broke those records again, and then again.

Electric power for millions threatened

Nevada and California’s livability depends on a system of 1,500 human-made reservoirs, not only for drinking water and agriculture but for electricity from hydroelectric generators.
Engineers say that the water level in Lake Mead will be below the minimum water level needed to generate power to 1.3 million people in a matter of days. Lake Oroville will likely last until September, when it won’t be able to supply electricity for another 800,000.
Normally, power companies buy power from nearby regions when needed. But constantly running air conditioning in a wide swath of the western U.S. during 2021 has diminished power surpluses that normally allow that to happen.
All told, the fires have burned 1.3 million acres — an area larger than Los Angeles, New York City and Chicago combined. The smoke has journeyed cross-country to the East Coast, prompting air quality warnings along the northern part of the Eastern Seaboard and as far inland as central Virginia.
In addition to California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, the heatwaves hit Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho.

Heat deadly for agricultural workers

Thirty-eight-year-old Sebastián Francisco Pérez from Guatemala was working at an Oregon tree farm on June 26 when he collapsed and died from the heat. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 53 #agricultural #workers died from heat nationwide in 2019, but this was the first in Oregon directly attributable to heat.
Only four states have laws in place to protect farmworkers. Oregon became the third after the death of Sebastián. Washington State quickly followed with some emergency measures. Some other states merely have “guidelines.”
Irene Ruiz, an #environmental #justice organizer from Boise, Idaho, messaged about the heightened danger to agricultural workers during heatwaves. “Guidelines are not enough. These are the people who put food on our tables and are the most affected and in danger of extreme heat.”

#Imperialism and #globalwarming

Recent decades have seen extreme weather events become more frequent and much more severe than previous periods. Experts point to that quickening pace and increasing severity as caused directly by global warming, even though they usually avoid blaming global warming for specific weather events.
The opposing narrative, motivated by energy profiteers, is that the warming of the atmosphere during this period is a natural cycle, that it has happened before over the millennia, and that it will pass.
But a #scientific #paper published in the journal Nature on July 28 referenced two large, decades-long studies of the #Earth’s “ #energy balance” — the amount of the sun’s energy entering Earth’s atmosphere compared to the amount of energy reflected back out into space. Both studies confirm that greenhouse gases are keeping the sun’s energy trapped in our atmosphere.
The paper asserts that there is less than a 1% chance that the rise in global temperatures and all of its frightening consequences are a natural occurrence.

#Greenhouse #gases began to heat the #atmosphere with the dawn of #industrial #capitalism in the latter part of the 19th century. That much is readily admitted in the capitalist press these days. What isn’t written about enough is the role of imperialist domination in this crisis for #humanity.
The machinery of war is the greatest consumer of oil, and like a dog chasing its tail, pollutes the world while fighting to control oil markets. If the #US military machine were to be ranked in the list of countries that indicates how much they contribute to pollutants that heat the atmosphere, the list would show it ahead of 46 countries.
Estimates of the cost of stopping global warming vary from $300 billion to Forbes Magazine’s price tag of $50 trillion. Underdevelopment and poverty have been imposed on much of the world by #imperialist #military #force and #economic #leverage for more than a century. The stolen wealth is now concentrated in the hands of the tiny group of billionaires that have profited immensely — as a class — from the control of oil markets. That stolen wealth is key to mitigating climate change.

The world is being told to put its faith in international agreements to solve the crisis. The #ParisClimateAgreement is supposed to oblige each participating country to limit greenhouse gases and commit rich nations — and in some cases private corporations — to help fund efforts by poor nations with $100 billion per year in grants, loans and other forms of financing, to help them switch to clean energy.
That agreement still shifts the blame to the poorest countries, when in fact 20 industrialized countries are responsible for 78% of greenhouse gases.
Historically, no country has put more carbon dioxide into the air than the imperialist U.S. #empire. The ultimate goal of the Paris Agreement is to limit greenhouse gases to a 2% increase per year, and “if possible” to 1.5% per year. As of today, the rich countries haven’t come up with the first $100 billion that was due in 2018.


#Capitalism is a #roadblock on the path to mitigating this huge crisis for #humankind. It will take a #global #environmental #movement that is #revolutionary#conscious of the need to #eradicate imperialism — to stop the crisis of global warming and climate change ~
#scottscheffer #climate-emergency #climate-action #climate-crisis #climate-change #climate-strike


Cuba ~ End the Embargo

‘If #JoeBiden or frankly any US politician #cared about the #Cuban #people, they’d push for an end to the US’s #crippling #economic sanctions on Cuba.’

‘All people have the right to #protest and to live in a #democratic #society. I call on the Cuban government to #respect opposition rights and refrain from violence. It’s also long past time to end the #unilateral #US #embargo on #Cuba, which has only #hurt, not #helped, the Cuban #people.’ …. #BernieSanders

‘It’s important to remember that before the #Cuban #Revolution, Cuba was a #colonial #piggy-bank for #American #capitalists to #exploit. The revolution stopped the United States from treating Cuba like its little plaything, which the United States has never been able to accept.’

‘The US continually punishes #Haiti & Cuba because these are nations that successfully #revolted against #white #supremacist #empires in generations past.’

‘The #whole #world has spoken against the US embargo against Cuba. In the #UN #GeneralAssembly, 184 countries voted to #condemn the #blockade. Only two, the US and #Israel, voted not to. Cuba loses $9.1 billion a year due to the blockade.’

‘Not only is the US blockading Cuba, they are claiming #veto #power over any other country which wishes to send Cuba #food and #medicine.’

‘The choice is clear. Which side are we on? The US, which continues to #violate #international #law by decades of crippling #sanctions even in the face of a #pandemic, or Cuba, which has created five different vaccines and sent thousands of #doctors to #heal #people around the world?’

‘Nobody is charged a dime in Cuba for their #treatment. But in the US, people are denied treatment unless they have tens of thousands of dollars to pay for medical bills. Again, which side are you on?’

‘In addition, Cuba has: – #Guaranteed #salaries; – #Nationalized #BigPharma; – #Distribution of #food, #electricity, and piped #water.’

‘The US is trying to create a #self-fulfilling #prophecy with Cuba. Cripple it with #decades of sanctions, then try to initiate an #astroturf #regime #change operation. This is typical M.O. for the #PoliceState.

'Never forget the explicitly stated goal of the US government’s murderous, #illegal, 60-year blockade on Cuba: to " #weaken the economic #life of Cuba," and " #decrease #monetary and #real #wages, to bring about #hunger, #desperation and #overthrow of #government."

#EndTheEmbargo #HandsOffCuba #VivaCuba! #VivaLaRevolucion! #VivaElPuebloCubano!



Michael Parenti ~ Democracy for the Few


'This #textbook shows how #democracy is repeatedly violated by #corporate #oligopolies, how popular forces have fought back and occasionally made gains in spite of the #system. By focusing on the relationship between #economic power and #political #power, discussing actual #government practices and #policies, #conspiracies, #propaganda, #fraud, #secrecy and other #ploys of government and #politics, this #book stands apart in its analysis of how #US Government works.'
#michaelparenti #parenti #democracyforthefew #pdf


Are You a Settler?

Settler- #colonialism, #Capitalism and #Marxism on #Turtle Island

by Brian Ward
Source: https://newpol.org/issue_post/are-you-a-settler/

We have an urgent need to bring the fight against Native oppression into all the #economic and #social struggles of today. And that means grasping, as clearly and firmly as possible, that the struggle for Native liberation means keeping the question of land rights central.

Understanding the history and ongoing process of Settler-colonialism adds to our understanding of capitalism, while ignoring it perpetuates the erasure from #history of Native peoples and their resistance to that process.

Hundreds of different social organizations existed on Turtle Island prior to the arrival of capitalist markets, but one common feature was that most #Indigenous Nations treated the land as something held in common. The idea of nonhuman life being someone’s “private #property” was almost literally unthinkable.

Writing in the Communist Manifesto in 1848, Karl #Marx said, “The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe. It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connections everywhere.” From an Indigenous perspective, that expanding market transformed abundance into scarcity.

Exploitation, expropriation, and extraction of the land’s riches created #wealth for those colonizing land and enforcing their claim to it by violence. Marx’s term for this process as it had occurred in Europe is usually called “primitive accumulation,” although it might be better translated as “primary” or “original” #accumulation.

"The historical process of primitive accumulation thus refers to the violent transformation of noncapitalist forms of life into capitalist ones."

With a wider perspective, we see that what the textbooks recall as Manifest Destiny was really capitalist accumulation through colonial #expansion—taking the particular form of the settler republic. (Other examples include #Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and #Israel.)

Land grants, and the willful misreading of treaties as real estate transactions, to paraphrase Vine Deloria, were central to the growth of the United States as a continental and then global imperial power, central to waging war at ever-greater scales.

Settlers are a tool, but capital is the system that drives this process and ultimately benefits. This is an important point to clarify, for capitalism is always ready to abandon a tool when it has served its purpose and create a new one, as need be.

Estes defines settler-colonialism as the specific form of colonialism whereby an imperial power seizes Native territory, eliminates the original people by force, and resettles the land with a foreign, invading population.

As treaties are broken and #resources are extracted on Indigenous land, it’s important to know that two-thirds of uranium, one-third of low-sulfur coal, as well as major hydroelectric, oil, and natural gas reserves are located in Indigenous communities.

“According to a 2002 report by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), white settlers own 96 percent of private agricultural lands in the United States, and 98 percent of all U.S. private lands overall.”

The Bureau of Indian Affairs argued how the flooding of Indigenous land would speed up termination and force Indigenous people into the capitalist economy

... that most Indigenous communities in the area relied on the “free goods of Nature,” such as hunting, trapping, and gathering. Forcing them to rely on a cash income is what Marxists, if not the Bureau of Indian Affairs, would call #proletarianization.

The project of stealing indigenous land remains fundamental to the United States and its success. Settler-colonialism and its ideological companion of Manifest Destiny are baked into the development of the United States much like slavery and racism and cannot be extracted without completely overhauling the entire system

I would argue that a future decolonized Turtle Island is looking toward a #socialist #society that puts forward Indigenous self-determination and liberation and counters racism, white supremacy, settler-colonialism, imperialism, and capitalism

The #Indian and Metis movement must focus primarily on the destruction of #imperialism and on the process of decolonization. There is no longer any question of where the native struggle should pursue a capitalist or socialist path of development. Liberation can take place only within a true socialist society.

We will not succeed in slowing, let alone stopping, #climate #change and #devastation, and in having clean air, water, and land unless we stand for Indigenous rights, sovereignty, and the enforcement of treaties. If we do not have a left that understands this and puts the question of land, imperialism, and conquest at its center we will perpetuate the same old song of class reductionism. Indigenous liberation is about liberation for all.

read the full text

#canada #usa